Sweet husband 😍

Start from the beginning

Rain : Don't make me angry am already so pissed here...

Tell me where is my cabin...???

Payu : There is no separate cabin for you...
You should sit here with me in my cabin for whole day...

Rain : Seriously what you and my mom are planning against me...

Wait let me call my dad...

Then Rain calls his dad...

Rain : Dad what is all this...???

Rain explains whatever his mom and Payu were doing to him...

Dad : Rain baby you're not kid anymore to complain like this...

Now you're married just listen to your husband and learn new things in office...

Rain : You all have gone insane...

He disconnects the call angrily..

Then looks at Payu angrily...

Rain : What the hell should I do here...???

Payu : I will give you some documents...
Sit on the coach and go through it...

Payu gives him some documents...

Rain takes it and goes to coach and starts to go through it...

After sometime Payu had to attend the meeting

Payu : Rain be here I will attend the meeting and come then take you to lunch...

Rain : Fine 😒😒😒

Payu goes to attend the meeting

After about an hour Payu finishes the meeting and comes back to his cabin to see Rain sleeping on the coach

Payu : This idiot fell asleep here....

He goes and sits next to Rain...

Payu : Rain... Rain...

Rain : Please leave me to sleep na...
Am so tired...

Payu : What work you did that you're feeling tired...
Get up let's go to have lunch...

Rain : Please I want to sleep....

Payu : It's not home Rain.. its office wake up now...

Rain slowly opens his eyes...

Rain : Why are you doing this to me...???
I really want a peace of mind

After marrying you my life is complete mess

Payu : Do you think I wanted a marriage so soon...

You're speaking as if I forced you to marry me..

Get up now I will take you to cafeteria

Payu takes Rain to cafeteria...

Payu : Be seated here I will bring the food...

He goes and brings two plate of food...

One for him and one for Rain...

(Everyone around looks at Payu and started speaking how lovely that Payu himself brought plate of food to his cutie husband)

Payu : Here have it...

Rain : How long should we stay in office...???

Payu : Till evening 7pm...

Rain : What...???
I cannot stay till that time and all...

Send me car or you come home early with me...
Don't even think I will sit with you till 7pm in office

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