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Soul mates. You could tell who yours was by the blossoming flowers that appeared on your skin when they were injured. The blooms would fade with time, but not all of them. Scarring caused the flowers to stay, though not as visible. Lance knew this all too well. It was taught over and over in school, helping kids not to feel embarrassed by their soul marks. That didn't stop Lance from hiding the faded blooms that covered his thighs and wrists or the flowers that seemed to appear like clockwork each day at school. Through the years, Lance learned to hide the uncomfortable stinging sensation he felt when the flowers began to bloom on his skin.

Lance sat at a lunch table, distracted from his surroundings. His girlfriend, Nyma, sat next to him. Nyma was ancy. Lance hadn't spoken to her for almost the entire lunch period. She despised it when he ignored her. She'd tried to get his attention in several ways. She'd tap her long acrylic nails on the table or clear her throat. Sometimes, Nyma would even go as far as to loudly whine. This time, Nyma decided to talk to get his attention, seeing as her previous attempts had been unsuccessful.
    "Lancey~" Nyma hummed, trying to get Lance's attention. The two had been dating off and on since sophomore year. They both knew they weren't soul mates, but their relationship distracted Lance from his hectic home life. Yes, it was crazy at home, but Lance wouldn't say it was bad. If anything, Lance had everything he had ever wanted. He had things some of his peers could only wish for loving parents, siblings, a roof over his head, and clothes on his back. There wasn't anything more important than his family. Nyma was growing impatient with the lack of response. She was getting more desperate with this attempt. "Lance!" She huffed at him again. Lance shook his head as if to clear his mind.
"Yeah, Nyma?" He was unfocused as he chewed at the dead skin around his nails. The burning sensation on his skin hadn't subsided. Lance hated lunch. Every day, his body ached from his soul mate's injuries, leaving him feeling detached from reality, knowing there was nothing he could do. Lance had no idea who his soulmate could possibly be. As far as he knew, he might never meet his soulmate. Lance was abruptly brought back to reality as Nyma's acrylic nails jabbed into his thigh. "Shit, sorry, Nyma,"
"Well, if you paid attention for once instead of having your head in the clouds," her glare pierced into Lance's skin as he rubbed his eyes. "Lunch is nearly over, and you've barely even spoken a word to me. I swear it's like you pretend I don't exist!" Nyma slammed her hands down on the lunch table as she stood to leave. This was a regular occurrence between them and often the cause of their off-and-on relationship. Lance couldn't help it though, not with his soulmate out there, hurting alone.
"Nyma, wait," Lance had tried to say, but it was too late. He watched as she stormed off leaving him standing in the middle of the lunch room. Even surrounded by his peers, Lance felt utterly alone in that moment. He sighed, picking up the tray left behind by Nyma and his own. Why did it always have to end this way? It was always on his worst days that she hurt him. After tossing the trays, Lance left the lunchroom. Usually, he would stay until the bell rang, but today, he decided to wander. After all, there was still time before the bell rang, and he needed to find Nyma.

Lance wandered into the hall, looking around for any sign of Nyma. He knew he had to make up with her, or he would have hell to pay. If he were being honest, Lance was scared of what might happen if he didn't apologize to her. She had hurt him in the past, and this certainly wouldn't be the time if he didn't apologize.
"Fuck..." Lance mumbled to himself as he cupped his hands over his nose. He could see the red flowers beginning to take shape on the bridge of his nose. It felt like someone had suddenly jabbed hundreds of sharp needles into his skin. He shook his head and began walking again. He needed to find Nyma. Lance knew where she would usually go after a fight. She'd hide in an empty classroom and pout, knowing Lance would come looking for her. On his way to find Nyma, Lance heard a commotion. It sounded like fighting like someone was getting hurt. Lance ran around the corner towards the sound, forgetting about Nyma for the moment. His chest ached as he skidded to a halt, watching what was unfolding in front of him.

A dark-haired boy lay on the ground, curled up in the fetal position. His back pressed against the lockers behind him as two boys kicked him. There was blood running down the boy's face from his nose. The contrast of the red against the pale skin made something snap inside of Lance's brain. Without thinking, he jolted forward, tackling one of the boys. Lance was blinded with rage as he began to hit and punch. It seemed that an unseen force had taken over him, causing the violent outburst. The other kid grabbed Lance, trying to pull him off. He yelled for help, trying to drag Lance away. Lance went after the other kid next, doing the same as was done to the first.  Finally, Lance was dragged off the kid by someone much bulkier. He snapped out of the rage, looking around at the damage he had caused. One of the boys sat holding his nose. It looked broken and bloodied. Lance cringed at the sight and looked at the other kid. He didn't look much better off. With a black eye and scratches on his face, he glared at Lance.
"Shit," Lance mumbled. He looked at his own blood-covered hands, feeling sick. His body didn't seem to ache as much, but he was consumed by guilt. Lance looked around again, trying to find the pale boy he had fought to help. He caught a glimpse of the dark, curly hair off in the corner. The boy looked angry, glaringly staring at Lance before walking away. Lance looked up to see who had stopped him. He swallowed hard, knowing he was in deep shit.
1091 words. Stay tuned for more, the second chapter is underway

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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