Chapter Fourteen

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Driving home Colby felt a different happiness that had been lacking in his life for a long time. Ever since he was 18 Colby knew he was attractive, and he had no trouble getting any girl he wanted. But nothing ever fulfilled him for a long time, he never fell for anyone. Of course I have to be head over heels for a ghost. Colby scoffed to himself in the car. Was he head over heels for a ghost? Colby needed time to process what had happened and decided he needed some time in the real world so he didn't lose his mind. 

Colby snuck back into the house minutes before he heard Sam's alarm go off. Colby stripped off his clothes, flopping into bed just as his door creaked open, Sam shaking him awake. Colby groaned, pretending to rub the sleep out of his eyes. "You told me to wake you up to go to the gym." Sam stated. 

"Thanks, be down in a couple minutes." Colby got back up, going to the bathroom to wash his face. Even though Colby hadn't gotten any sleep last night there was too much adrenaline coursing through his body for him to go to bed. He was happy, truly happy, for the first time for as long as he could remember. Sure Colby liked the fame and the girls, but it had been a while since he had found something with a deep meaning to it. 

Stop it! Colby sighed, slamming his hands on the sink counter, slapping some cold water on his face. Colby made a promise, for the next week he would live in the real world. No ghost hunting, no paranormal activity and no thinking of her. 

"Ready to get in a pump?" Sam asked as Colby clambered down the stairs loudly. Sam was shaking a protein drink, opening the spout as he handed it to Colby. "You look like shit." Sam chuckled as the pair walked to the garage. 

"Thanks." Colby responded sarcastically as he rubbed his eyes, downing the protein shake within minutes. "Can I ask you a question." He sighed, unable to get his mind off of Cora. "But you can't ask anything, I just need your advice." The smile was erased from Sam's face as he could tell Colby seriously needed help. 

"Sure man, you know you can ask me anything." Sam looked up at Colby from the workout bench. 

"Listen, there's this girl- don't ask who. I really really care about her, but..." she's not real. Colby thought to himself. "...I can't exactly be with her all the time. She can't leave where she is and it's hard for me to get to her." Colby explained. 

"So, like long distance?" Sam tried to understand as Colby sighed. 

"Something like that." Sam frowned. 

"Why can't you just tell me who it is? You know I'm not gonna judge you!" Sam stood up, patting his friend on the shoulder. 

"Just listen!" Colby shouted. "I really care about her, but I don't want to feel chained to her. We haven't exactly made anything official, I just really care about her." Sam smirked. 

"I think it's sweet, I haven't seen anyone make you this emotional in a while. Since you're not dating, let's go out! Get some drinks, meet some girls, have fun. See how you feel about her after this weekend." With that thought Sam began to curl some weights, turning the music on as it blasted from the speaker. Colby knew Sam was right, still he dreaded every night leading up to Saturday. Eventually it was time to get ready and go out. 

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