Începe de la început

"Good night mama, sleep well." He mumbled before tightening his grip on her waist and leaning into her neck.

She smiled, running her hand through his soft curls soothingly.

"Good night Zach."


FREEK'N YOU by Jodeci blasted in the girls AirPods as she poured the seasoned eggs into a pan. Malora woke up at around 6 when Zach was still in bed, sound asleep.

So she thought it would be nice to make them both breakfast and surprise him when he woke up. Even though she had no clue how to cook she still knew the basics, so she was going to at least try.

Not sure how well it was turning out though.. she over salted the first batch of eggs, and burnt the second batch.

The one cooking now was her third batch and trust, this was the final one. She already swore to herself that if she fucked this one up then she would just get out the kitchen and give up.

Because cooking should never be this damn stressful.. especially eggs, that should've been the easiest thing for her.

"Finally, god damn!" She exclaimed, stirring the eggs with a sense of pride. At least she didn't burn them this time, but let's hope they tasted okay when it was time to eat.

The last thing she wanted to do was make him food that comes out disgusting.. that would just be plain embarrassing.

Malora was so focused on perfectly cutting the Italian sausage into squares that she didn't even notice another presence in the kitchen.

Zachariah woke up a while ago from the smell of food. He fell asleep without eating so he was starving right now.

What he didn't expect was to walk in on Mal cooking breakfast.. he figured the smell was just because she was heating up leftovers from yesterday's breakfast. But the more he watched her body move around the kitchen the more he felt himself become obsessed with her.

He could honestly get used to this sight.. her perfect body barely fitting in the little night gown she wore. And by that he meant she was just so tall that her ass was out a bit. He had so much respect for her though, so he refrained from staring at her body too much.

"You need some help?" He asked, chuckling when she got startled from his deep morning voice.

She smiled, tossing the sausage into the pan of oil. "I don't even know what I'm doing honestly, I can't even cook."

He figured she had no clue what she was doing because the whole time he was standing there she didn't even season the eggs.. or put cheese in it.

'She can't be black man, no way.'

"Yeah I ca' tell.. you ain't even put nothing in the eggs but salt and chili peppers. That shit gone be nasty, mama."

He watched her eye twitch, knowing he'd hit a nerve. Instead of apologizing he just held back his laugh because she was trying so hard to hide her anger.

"Come here really quick boo," she smiled, waving him over and he of course did as she asked.

She took an egg out of the carton and he couldn't help but wonder what it was for.. The eggs were already cooked and surely she wasn't making any more?

Once he finally started to put the pieces together it was already too late, and before he knew it she smashed the egg against his forehead.

"You, you keep puttin' my business out there." Malora pointed in his face- quoting a funny TikTok sound.

Zach's lips were tucked and he was giving her a hard glare. The type that made her squeeze her legs together because she felt herself getting turned on.

"Doin' dumb shit I almost hurt yo' silly ass. Stop playin' wit' me Mal." He spat, wiping his forehead off and snatching her arm away from him.

He had half a mind to wet her ass with the ice cold water he was sipping on but he knew better. Plus she had her hair out and he knew how protective girls were over their hair.

"Give me your game card.. bitch give me your game card!"

Zach shook his head at her antics, this girl really had ADHD. "We need to get yo' goofy ass off TikTok too."

"Ima boss bruh! Bro please Ima bos-"

"I'm going to back sleep, bye."

authors note
atp ion think yall ever getting over
2000 words a chapter 🦧 sorry pookies

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