"Umm I assume you mean Yamada? That's the blondes last name right? Not Hizashi."

"Shoot yeah that's it, sorry habit to talk about them by first name since we're close friends. Though at school most of us refer to each other by our hero names, excluding Aizawa, he goes by well.. Aizawa." Kayama says as they get stuck in traffic, she yawns as it now is 7am

Amelia nods putting everything to memory, "okay.." she takes a moment and says, "umm does he have a mutation that makes his hair do? Maybe a Cockatoo quirk..?" She mumbles with a sheepish smile

Kayama chokes on air as she begins to laugh, "Cockatoo!? Oh geez that's rich please call him that in front of Aizawa, it'll be funny! You think his quirk is a mutation? I'll tell you he doesn't have a Cockatoo quirk, I'll let him tell ya his quirk when you meet."

Amelia blushes and replies, "well his hair style ya know.. kind of reminds me of a Cockatoo.. speaking of, how does he.."

She's cut off by laughter, "oh man this is funny, hehe." The giggling dies down and she replies amelia, "well it's lots and lots of hair gel, he has like this 5 gallon bucket of hair gel it's ridiculous. It's actually really funny watching him do his hair, he puts more care into his hair than most people think."

Amelia blinks trying to picture how in the world he does it but shakes whatever weird imagery pops up. "Yeah a five gallon bucket sounds like a lot."

"Oh it is, it does last him about 2 maybe 3 weeks. Ohh!!" Kayama throws a thumb over to the side street, "ya want coffee? Again my treat."

She feels uncomfortable getting free stuff, "look i-"

"Nope, I got it, when you start working and get your first paycheck, I'll let you buy me a coffee, deal?" Kayama cuts Amelia off

Amelia blinks and nods, "t-that works."

Kayama smiles as she pulls over and they get out and Kayama introduces the cafe, "This is a Cat Cafe, hopefully Stubby doesn't get jealous easily. You drink your coffee and get to play with the cats, all of them are up for adoption too. You'd be surprised how many your new coworker has adopted from here."

"Which coworker?" Amelia ask as they walk through the doors

"Aizawa, he's got like three cats, we had to tell him stop adopting cats, Yamada even has like two and I have one. Aizawa has a problem, we finally got him to start taking strays to this cafe, they're partnered with a shelter nearby. Still he tries to sneak others home." Kayama has a grin as she talks

"Though if you call him a crazy cat man, he gets irritated an even more so when you call him crazy cat lady." Kayama adds as they got through another set of doors into the cafe and head to the counters.

"Okay noted.." Amelia says

True to Kayama's words this was a cat cafe, lots of cats all over. A few people in there enjoy a cup of coffee and petting a few cats. Light instrumental music is in the background.

"Order whatever ya like, I usually get the Spiced Latte with lots of whip cream." Kayama says her hands in her hoodie pockets

Amelia thinks as she reads the Japanese letters on the menu. While she can speak it, reading it takes her a moment.

"Okay cool they got the same thing I usually get." Amelia comments in her soft voice rubbing her chin in a after thought as her ruby eyes scan the menu

"That is?"

"Frozen hazelnut mocha latte. I can't do hot coffee.." she mumbles

"I kind of forgot they could add flavors to coffee. Anyways I'll grab it for ya, go find a seat and I'll join ya in a moment."

The Teaching Assistant (A My Hero Academia Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now