That kiss had ignited a cascade of emotions, an electric current that surged through her veins. It had been a catalyst, propelling her to conjure a full Patronus, a manifestation of pure magic born from the depths of her feelings.

The memory of the kiss lingered in the air like a spell waiting to be cast again. Alexia's heart, a canvas painted with unspoken desires, beat in rhythm with the echoes of that transformative moment.

Alexia found herself compelled to capture the nuances of her emotions. As the memories of the forest kiss lingered, a new form of magic began to take shape—a poetry book that would become an intimate testament to her feelings.

In the quietude of her room, Alexia's quill danced across the parchment, giving life to verses that mirrored the rhythm of her heart.

Each poem held a fragment of the moonlit kiss, an exploration of the emotions that had blossomed in the depths of the enchanted woods. Lines of longing, uncertainty, and the subtle alchemy of budding love spilt onto the pages, the ink a conduit for the enchantment that lingered within her.

In the shadowed grove where secrets reside,
Moonlit whispers, love cannot hide.
A fleeting touch, a forbidden dance,
Magic stirred with every stolen glance.

As the verses unfolded, the poetry book transformed into an intimate sanctuary, exclusively dedicated to Hermione. The quill became an extension of Alexia's feelings, a tool to navigate the uncharted territory of her heart.

The words flowed like a potion, each poem an incantation that wove the threads of Alexia's emotions into the fabric of the book. The secrets spilt onto the pages, a silent confession to the parchment that held the weight of her desires.

The silence of Alexia's room was interrupted by the soft flutter of wings. The enchanted melody of a familiar hoot filled the air as Hedwig, Harry's loyal owl, gracefully entered through the open window. The snowy owl, with feathers like moonlight, regarded Alexia with intelligent eyes that seemed to hold a world of secrets.

"Hey, Hedwig," Alexia greeted, a warm smile lighting up her features. She reached into a small pouch and produced a handful of owl treats. The room was filled with the soft crunching sound as Hedwig enjoyed the offered delicacies.

As Hedwig indulged in the treats, Alexia carefully untied the letter that was secured to the owl's leg. The parchment, bearing Harry's distinctive scrawl, unfolded to reveal the latest news from her best friend.

Dear Lexie,

I hope this letter finds you well. The Dursleys have surprisingly agreed to let me spend some time with you before we head to the Weasleys for the Quidditch World Cup finale! (I know the Dursleys are excited I'm leaving soon) I can't wait to catch up with you. It's been too long.

Hedwig says she enjoys your treats, by the way. Thanks for taking care of her.

See you soon,


A wave of excitement washed over Alexia as she absorbed the contents of Harry's letter. The prospect of Harry's company and the anticipation of the upcoming Quidditch World Cup finale added a new layer of enchantment to her summer.

With a thoughtful expression, Alexia looked at Hedwig, who had finished her treats and perched on the windowsill. "You're always welcome here, Hedwig. I'm glad Harry's coming, and I appreciate the news." The owl hooted softly, as if in acknowledgment.

With a quill in hand and a heart brimming with anticipation, Alexia set out to pen a reply to Harry's letter. The parchment unfolded beneath her words, becoming a conduit for the emotions that danced within her.

whispers (h.g x fem oc) book 2Where stories live. Discover now