When I turn to look to the side, I make eye contact with Kidou, who seems to be wracking his head to find out what is happening, but before I could approach him or even speak anything the match started, the refree called everyone to prepare

As the players were walking up to the field, I heard Kakuma comment

"Teikoku and Raimon players are entering!"

Team's stood in front of each other, and the crowd erupted around us on the stands, I felt a weird nauseous feeling in my mouth.

Am I that nervous?

Are the bolts that hit me relevant in this puzzle?

My eyes flicker between the field and the roof or ceiling of the stadium. For some reason, the nauseous feeling intensived, making me want to throw up.

Teikoku stadium structure is well organised... it's impossible for the bolts to fall down so easily... and the shot wasn't even that strong...

I blink a few times before I feel like different t puzzles connected in my head, and somebody flipped the switch. I wobbled little, feeling the blood drain from my legs.

Even though I stay collected most of the time, right now, I felt that if my prediction came true, my whole word would be scattered into pieces again...

I exhaled a shaky breath, gaining attention from everyone on the bench. The first to come to my grimaced and pale face was Aki. Hurrying me to sit down with help of her hand. I sat down on the bench, continuing to watch the unfolding events. My brain long ago cut itself from the conversations as I think Hibiki-san and managers were talking about my condition, showing me that pity and sympathic expressions before everyone looked back from me at the field to hear the speech of the refree.

As the tension grew, Kidou continued to look around for the trap, his uneasy expression clearly visible. Eventually, his eyes wandered to the Raimon bench, noticing my state, I couldn't really make out his expression because of my blury eyes but I slowly raised my hand nevertheless and pointed at the roof, hoping he would get the hint.

He looked up at the roof, probably thinking what I wanted to imply before his eyes widened.

Did he get that?

Kidou leaned in as Endou shook his hand. He said something that made the brunette taken back. But he doesn't question it.

I regain my "right mind" soon enough, and despite everyone's protests, stood up and went to Hibiki-san's side

"The Football Frontier district finals! Raimon Junior High versus Teikoku Gakuen!"

The referee whistled after the
commentator Kakuma Keita exclaimed.

Suddenly, steel panes started falling on Raimon's side. This made everyone horrified and worried. I covered my mouth, and my mind started racing.

Did Kidou figure it out? Has anyone been injured? Should I have said something instead of being silent?

Even if my expression was stoic, the emotions I felt inside were livid, absolutely livid as I glanced at Kidou. He is as calm as ever?

Did he warn them?

Everyone on the bench had stood up in horror at what they just witnessed, started panicking


Aki said, worried.

"I can't believe he went this far."

Hibiki trailed off. Even the Teikoku players are shocked and horrified at what just occurred. Kidou, surprisingly, still looked calm. It gave me some sense of security.

《My way of doing things 》OC x Inazuma elevenWhere stories live. Discover now