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"Han Taesan finally confident enough?" "Mhm" "Oh wow, I'm honestly surprised" "So what should I do?" "A drawing?" "No" "Just tell him?" "No" "Well what are you good at?" "Everything" "no Woonhak" "Oh!" "What?" "A song!" He looked at Jaehyun, confused. "What?" "You can produce, you can write lyrics and you can sing! All you need for a song!" "What?" "Yeah, a serenade!" "What-what no way!" "Yes! You'll do great!"

"We'll definitely help you!" The younger boy grabbed the laptop and opened the program. "Shouldn't you do lyrics first?" "Oh, yeah" "Well, what- uh how are you feeling right now?" Jaehyun took out a notebook that already had a couple lyrics for other songs.

"I'm nervous, nervous to death" "well, we have the first lyric!" "What?" He wrote something down quickly and showed the taller boy. "What do you think?" He read the lyrics" "It's not bad honestly"


After about an hour, they had gotten the first verse almost completely written down. "That's great for one day!" "If you want, we'll help you record?"

"Oh, yeah, thanks" The couple had to leave since it was getting late.

Taesan stared at the lyrics again, not sure if this plan would work.

"No more next chance Taesan, you just have to do it"


Another Monday, hopefully things won't be too awkward between Taesan and Leehan due to what happened the other day.

He sat down at his spot next to the fish lover. "Good morning!" "Morning" Junkyu walked over to the table, he did that everyday, the boy would claim it was only to talk to Leehan but in reality he just went there to taunt Taesan.

"Junkyu go back to your seat, you shouldn't be talking to Leehan during class time" "yes sir"

"So today we'll start with the presentations, I'll draw out one of the names, the group will stand up and present." The teacher took out a jar with about 30 pieces of paper and took out one folded paper.

"An Yujin, so your group is?" "Hong Eunchae, Myung Jaehyun, Yang Jungwon, Kim Leehan, Han Taesan and I"

The six stood up and walked in front of the class. "The text we'll be presenting today is from Alice in Wonderland, the specific chapter is when Alice, the main character, meets the Cheshire Cat" Yujin started, her voice was clear and everyone from everywhere in the room could hear her due to the volume of her voice being perfect. She's obviously already done many oral presentations.

After she had finished speaking Jungwon went in front of her and started talking about the author, Lewis Carroll.

He also talked about how the book was made. Afterwards, Eunchae starting present basic knowledge about the book.

Finally, Taesan and Leehan had to read out the summary. "Alice is a young girl from England, she's transported to this strange, magically place" Taesan read out the first part, highlighted in gray.

"In this chapter, she meets a cat, it isn't the average street cat, firstly, he's the Duchess's cat, secondly, he can disappear and reappear at will"


After the pair had finished, finally Jaehyun started reading out his page. Yujin looked quite surprised, he actually did something really great, he had a rich vocabulary, he spoke confidently.

He had done it perfectly. After he had finished speaking the six returned to their seats.

Jaehyun turned around "You guys did great!" "And we're gonna just ignore what you did? It was perfect! Even An Yujin was shooked" He laughed awkwardly and thanked the boy. "Myung Jaehyun, I actually didn't know you were that smart" "excuse me Han Taesan"


After science had pass, the three boys walked over to their usual bench. Sungho, Woonhak and Riwoo were already there.

Jaehyun walked over to his boyfriend and hugged him. "Jungwon, Taesan, there's actually something I have to tell you" "what is it?" "I would also tell Jaehyun but he's busy" Jaehyun was basically attacking Woonhak with hugs.

"So, I think Leehan told you that he saw us together the other day in the park?" "Yeah'' "well, that was cause we were going on a date! We're dating! And have been for a year and a half"

"A YEAR?" "AND A HALF?" The two single boys were both obviously shocked. "Yeah" "So all my friends are dating someone and I'm the only single one"

"Nope Jungwon is single!" "No, I'm with someone from another school" "Who?" "I won't tell you!" "Ughh, I'm literally the only single friend"

"Sucks to suck" "Shut up hyung" "don't treat your hyungs like this!" "I'm not his hyung!" "I wasn't talking about you''

"Ugh I'm always gonna be single" "Don't say that!" "I've heard someone is making a song for Kim Leehan" "what? How?" "Kim Woonhak and Myung Jaehyun" "Of course"


"I wish I had something like that" "Someone who would literally hug and touch you all the time?" "Sure, it might be annoying, but it would be so nice"

"Ah, I understand" "They're so cute together" "I have a feeling that we always call them cute" "cause they are, I'm so happy they're together, they deserve each other"


"Have you got your eye on anyone" "ah hyung, you see, there's this guy, he's in my class-" "Leehan" Jungwon interrupted. "Kim Leehan?" "Yeah" "Oh! He knew we were together a month before we told them" (Yes a time skip lmao, right after the "--" so yeah lmao, please like 2 weeks later so like mid October?)

"Really?" "Yeah" "How?" "Accident" "alright" "Where do we go now?" "We can get ice cream?" "Nah, not hungry" "Where do you wanna go Jae-"

He was busy taking a picture with his boyfriend, kissing his cheek. Obviously the two hadn't heard.

"Can we leave them here? They won't even notice" "I'm alright with that" "Jungwon! Taesan! That's inconsiderate" "Yeah, what if you had a boyfriend?" "Ah, stop making me feel single"

"Sorry Taesan" "One day you'll find someone! I know it" "Yeah, I heard Leehan likes someone!" "What? Who? How?" "Incase you didn't understand, apparently, Leehan likes someone, I don't know who, and because I heard him talk to Yoshinori"

"Who do you think it is?" "I have two people in mind" "who?" "Well, you-" "Me? No way" "of course you-" "Taesan, the way you two talk, I can only see it outside of class, but I think he likes you" "So who else Jungwon?"

Although he already knew who he was about to say, Taesan's heart dropped when he heard the name.

"Junkyu" "mhm, I agree" "yeah, sorry Taesan, but Jungwon's correct here" "Yeah, he is, they've been talking a lot and if I wasn't aware of what he had done I would definitely fall in love again"


A/n: Hopefully you liked this chapter, I really like this one, except the random time skip lmao

Anyway take care of yourself, and thank you so so much for reading and 120+ reads, that's so much thank you so so much

And sorry for falling of the face of the earth, I was just more sick than usual.

-Jude out!


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