Chapter 11

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Back at the palace the young woman went to prepare for lunch, while the king asked Frederich, Erech and Calim to speak in his rooms. Frederich didn't you tell me that my daughter was a very sensitive person,? In fact, her majesty has a very sharp hearing, smell and vision, although I must say that her skin is not as acute, she has difficulty feeling climate change. Ah, that's what you meant. Erech are you the one who taught the girl the sword? Yes majesty, the princess at the time insisted a lot, currently after ten years of training she is basically stronger than me, although it is not comparable, hers is a one-of-a-kind fighting style. What about magic? I have been a teacher in magic and culture for a good ten years, her majesty has a monstrous amount of mana not only for her age but also in general for an adult, I taught her everything I knew. Its magical compatibilis I saw that they are ice and air right? Well, you see this is a bit of a complicated fact, it will take some time to explain it. Talk, dinner will be in an hour. The fact is that his majesty has a greater affinity with the elements air, lightning and ice, but in itself his compatibility expands to all of nature in general and as he has seen in person his empathic abilities are out of the norm. Wait, I have to think, so are you telling me that the girl is akin to all the natural elements? Basically yes, but that's not all, in fact she was also able to develop the combat aura even if as no one knows with so much mana she had ever succeeded. Unbelievable, I never expected anything like this. Well, we'll talk about it later, now it's time for lunch. The dining room was a room illuminated by my windows and decorated with ancient paintings depicting past kings, at the head of the ancient wooden table there was the king, on the right the prince, and on the left the princess. She wore an elegant but comfortable red dress and silently ate with class, as Frederich had taught her. The silence was broken by Prince Arthur. Little sister, you are lovely, your manners are perfect. Little sister? Don't you like it by any chance? If you want to call me that, is that okay and that I'm not used to it? Of course, I realize it, but now the big brother is here and give me the you are family. To the king seeing Roidare's face and the strange speech was almost laugh, but then he recomposed and spoke. In these fifteen years you have grown a lot and after what happened this morning I made a decision, it's time to officially introduce yourself as a member of the royal family, you will return with us to the palace and live there, of course you can't refuse, it's an order. Sincere little sister, you will come back with us, we will live as a family, others will like you a lot too. The king had obviously noticed that his order had not been liked as part of the room was slowly freezing, then lunch ended and he asked Roidare to meet in the main living room later. Meanwhile, the king and the prince were talking. Who would have expected my little sister to be of such a beauty, isn't she adorable? Adorable, eh, I think it depends on how you look there. She may be the most beautiful lady in the kingdom, she looks like a porcelain doll. At the palace the girl will have hard times. Don't worry father, I'll always be there for you. The king then I think I'm a little sorry

For her, it seems that she will have to defend Arthur too, but anyway with that force the dangers she can run are few, incredible but the empathism and affinity with nature, never heard anything like it. The late afternoon arrived and the king was waiting for his second daughter in the living room, punctually she arrived with two of his wolves. The king then began to speak: I know that you do not like me, as I know that for you this is your home, but you must remember that you are a noble, a princess of the kingdom and that you have duties, despite being the smallest you are a candidate for the throne. At the castle you couldn't have done it before, you had to strengthen yourself and now you go even beyond my expectations. Very convincing speech, but if you want me to come with you I have conditions. Talk. Arya and Zefiri come with me, we never separate, no arranged marriage or the like that will be my choice, I want to enter an order of knights, I will not stand still and do anything, I want access to the royal library, no one keeps me in a cage, I can go out whenever I want and I will participate in the hunting trips. All is fine, but you will go out with at least two men to stock up, we'll talk about the details later. Perfect, now excuse me, I have other things to do. Thus the meeting ended, the days of the inspection were about to end and Roidare was as usual in the white clearing when Arya tucked her, she wanted me to follow her, they found themselves near an oak tree near a lake, wrapped by a root in the water there was an object that shone, Roidare put his hand in the lake and struggled out the object, it was a magical mineral, larger than those he had seen so far and more magnetic to look, he decided to take it with him, he felt that one day it would be served. The preparations for the departure were long not because the princess had so many things, but because she was sad breads, the lady who had lived all her life in that place was about to go to a totally unknown and hostile place, full of hatred and resentment and no one could not worry about it.

Harmony, stories of fairies and the legend of the phoenixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora