Crow 20

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Hugging Ashy to his chest, Ru did his best to weave in and out of the insane foot traffic around him. 

It's too early for the airport to be this busy. 

Of course, he knew that was a lie. People tended to get the best deals extremely early in the morning or extremely late at night. Thus, the airport was absolutely packed!

He was shoved around constantly as he got through one of the check-in lines to get to the terminals and was forced to keep up with the crowd or risk being trampled. 

I just want to get my baby and go home. 

He had barely slept as he got his apartment cleaned up for Ash's visit. Of course, he knew that his love probably wouldn't care if things weren't perfect, but Rucrow? He definitely cared!

Even now, his bird was going over list after list of things they could try to get done before Ash walks from their car up to the apartment. 

Just a walk, and his bird had a list of things that could still be made better!

So tired...

Even in such an exhausted state, he somehow managed to push himself free of the incessant crowd and make it to terminal thirty-four. 

Ah, people are already starting to come out. 

He considered trying to get closer to the front, but quickly thought better of it as he hugged his stuffed Ashy tighter to his chest. 

We'll wait right here for your daddy. 

And wait, they did. The volume in the terminal grew exponentially as people continued to disembark the plane, but after several tense minutes and nervous heartbeats, his man was still nowhere to be seen. 

The only thing that kept him from becoming a nervous wreck, since Ash hadn't called him or answered any texts since he'd left, was the fact that he could sense him somewhere nearby. He was still going to have to preen quite a bit when he got home to calm himself down again, but at least he hadn't shifted out of stress yet. 

A strange huff met his ears a moment later as the crowd gasped and a few people stepped back in surprise. An excited roar was soon to follow, making Ru quickly take a step forward as his lips hesitantly tilted upward into a cautious smile. 

My Ashy is here? 

He hadn't expected the literal dragon, but when he suddenly saw his baby's shift leap over the crowd, wings outstretched and bright eyes focused on him, he couldn't help but widen his smile and reach out! 

While he was completely overjoyed to see his love, neither of them really planned the actual impact out all that well. Thus, Ru grunted as he was promptly knocked to the floor, sliding back a few feet from Ashy's momentum. Ashy, on the other hand, didn't seem to mind the heavy landing since it had plenty of padding, and immediately got busy licking Ru's face, neck, hair, and just about anywhere else it could reach with the utmost of glee. 

In fact, it even clawed at the stuffed version of itself until the poor thing was sent flying somewhere off in the distance! 

"Ashy, wait!" Ru laughed as he constantly jerked his head to either side, trying to keep his face from being covered in dragon slobber! 

Ashy didn't seem to hear him, however, because it continued its onslaught until it was satisfied with its work. Which eventually left Ru in quite the state... on the airport floor. 

His hair was an absolute mess of drool and sticking up in all directions, and his clothing was a lost cause. Half of it was clawed up and the other half was soaked in drool. 

Crow-(mxm) (Rever series 5)Where stories live. Discover now