Strang clears his throat and lets the subject drop moving on to some less controversial topics. I bet my grade just went down by a lot.

Dane Harrison

My entire body has been taken over by my wolf ever since that discussion in the empty classroom. Betrayal and the stale taste of hurt course though my veins. I will never let a she-wolf hurt me like Greta once did. Never again. I learnt my lesson.

I don't try to regain in with my human control, feral power helps keep my thoughts in check. I hardly let any of my human self peak through, just a touch to ground myself.

When the black rose speaks up in my favour I feel nothing. Only arrogance at the fact that I am correct with my statement. Species-haters should be shunned.

The vampire girl turns around to Astor when she speaks and my nose immediately picks up on the hint of arousal when she looks her. The vampire likes the werewolf? I watch as Astor rolls her eyes unimpressed at the girls efforts. I immediately swallow the strange possessiveness towards Astor.

Class ends and Astor is out the door the moment the bell sounds. As per usual I am one of the last people to leave.

"Mister Harrison." The professor calls me to his desk with a single wave of his hand but even though I stop my movement I don't move away from where I am standing. Something tells me not to trust the guy. The old man takes his glasses off and rubs the bridge of his nose, I think more for show than anything else. "My colleagues have given me the news that you and Miss Astor have been paired for the rest of the semester - a horrible pairing in my opinion."

I start to get irritated at the fact that this man always has to have an opinion that no one asked for.

"I would like to give you a word of advice. Try not to get into any more trouble than necessary. Your... partner - to put it delicately - is not the easiest person to get along with but I hope that whatever front you two had in this lesson will immediately cease. I do not like to be humiliated in front of my own class."

Were I in my right mind I would have cowered and begged for the him to forget everything and not lower my grade but the pride my wolf shows only makes me stand taller and nod once. I turn to leave again.

"Oh, and do control your wolf fully. It's stronger for the mentality."

I speed away from the classroom. Stronger for the mentality. Who does this guy think he is?

A familiar figure leans against the wall of the hall and she stands tall when she sees me coming. The flutter of unwanted excitement dies when I realise that it's not a certain she-wolf but instead the vampire girl. Her horrible big pink bow is the first thing that catches my eye.

"I fear we have not been properly introduced. My name is Morana Apate." She hold out her hand to me and I take it. Her skin is as expected: cold to the touch and pale.

"Dane Harrison." I reply and Morana immediately cuts to the chase. "I want to make Freya jealous so you will fake date me." I take a step back.

"I will what now?" I growl but the vampire sighs as if I'm some insolent pup. "We will pretend to date to make Freya jealous."

"And why would I ever agree to that?" I ask her.

"I want her back and you will gladly be a good samaritan. Come on, werewolf. Help a girl out."

I hold up my hand. "Let me get this straight. You want to fake date me so you can win back your ex?" The vampire shrugs. "Yeah, pretty much."

What a fool proof plan. Note the sarcasm. "Okay." I decide.

"You're actually agreeing with me?" The vampire seems genuinely surprised. I nod once. "Do I have a reason not to?" Fake dating this girl could get whatever childhood infatuation still exists out of my system.

"Great!", Morana looks over my shoulder and smirks, flashing her fangs. Rude. No one taught her etiquette. "We start now." I look confused but before I can resist she grabs my face and kisses me. I am frozen but luckily she lets go quickly. Pecking me once on the check she smiles lovingly and turns to take her leave. "Goodbye, dear!" She calls back to me but a little too loudly to be just meant for my ears.

I look back down the corridor in time to see the robe of a black robe disappear around the corner.

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In the SilenceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz