Can't be compared to my Yan Hong! This was what Concubine Pei was thinking.

"Then that Yan Hong's concubine mother must have lots of money." Yan Mo's words startled everyone.

Yan Yan sneered disdainfully and her words startled everyone even more. "Her? What money could a concubine have? It was said she only had one set of clothing when she married into the estate."

As a concubine, having a dowry was optional. The families who felt sorry for their daughter would prepare some for her in case of emergencies. This was only the case for concubines with higher status. A lowly concubine belonged to her master. How could there be any dowry?

The Pei household had the foundations to prepare a dowry for their daughter, but for some hidden reason, weren't able to do so in time back then. There was just a single bridal sedan chair that was hurriedly carried through the Yan household's gates. Since the old madam was Pei Yu Jin's own aunt, she naturally wouldn't be treated poorly. It was fine not to have a dowry.

With this came a problem. The eldest branch and third branch both had their own savings. However, even they were reluctant to use their own money to buy nourishment for their children. As a concubine who came without a dowry, where did she get "lots of money?"

Concubine Pei's face suddenly twisted, her misty eyes seeming as though she wanted to swallow someone whole.

Xue-shi's eyes lit up and Chen-shi's expression turned faintly for the better. The old madam had no expression. She wanted to speak but hesitated.
Yan Qian wasn't young anymore, and naturally understood the meaning of these words. She hurriedly refuted: "Since you have the money to eat it daily, why can't my concubine mom provide for me and bro Hong?!"

It had to be said that stupidity was a disease, a sickness!

On the surface, Yan Qian's words weren't wrong.
What, are we beneath you? If you can eat it, why can't we eat it? Of course, concubine born children were truly a level lower in status, but such words couldn't be said out loud. Otherwise, it would be sowing dissent between siblings.

But these words also had a hole. Moms couldn't be compared and people couldn't compared.

Yan Yan couldn't stand seeing someone provoke her precious little brother, and immediately retorted: "Yan Qian, is your brain working? First of all, Concubine Pei is a concubine, who married in with nothing. My mom is the true Weiyuan Marquis's madam, and the daughter of the Zhenguo Duke household. She came in with a lavish dowry. Let's not mention whether or not the dowry is enough to let Ah Mo eat swallow's nest. The Ningxiang Chambers' expenses aren't taken from the estate. What does my brother's food have to do with you?"

Yan Qian's face was flushed, but Yan Yan wasn't going to let her off. One had to be ruthless when beating someone down. That way, they would have to consider whether they could afford to be provocative next time.

"This matter didn't have anything to do with me initially. Since you're pulling Ah Mo into it, let me ask this." Yan Yan patted her skirt and stood up, her slender waist straightening. "What's a concubine's monthly salary? If I remember correctly, it should be eight taels. You get two taels and Yan Hong gets five taels."

She smiled coldly: "Putting it together, that's merely fifteen taels. Look at what you guys eat, wear and use. It's so extravagant. Is all the silver in the estate being used on you guys?"

Xue-shi immediately followed up saying: "That's right, mom. You can't be so biased!"

Chen-shi also nodded her head. Although she had always been independent, food and clothing were basic necessities. Their third branch was part of the main bloodline, and there was no reason for them to be worse off than a concubine. It would be embarrassing if others heard about it.

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