Sabrina walked away, her search for Alice keeping her from acknowledging that strong pang of hurt she felt as Jacob Black left Forks High without even uttering so much as a goodbye to her— or even a hi, for that matter.

The day passed by in a blur. One moment, Sabrina was sitting in history class, doodling all over Jasper's textbook — much to his dismay — and the next, Alice was forcing her into the dress she promised Alice she'd wear for Bella's birthday party.

"You okay?" Jasper queried, sensing the dip in Sabrina's emotions.

Sabrina turned her blank stare away from the candles and rose petals, that so elegantly decorated the Cullen's house. She blinked, nodding numbly before squeezing her eyes shot and shaking her head.

"Yeah..." she lied, pulling herself together, "Sorry. I guess I'm just a little out of it today... didn't sleep too well."

"A little out of it?" Alice repeated incredulously, appearing beside Jasper, "You've been totally spaced out the entire day," she accused.

Sabrina shook her head.

"Don't worry about it," she waved her off, "It's probably nothing. Like I said: just didn't sleep well."

Jasper's brows furrowed deeper with concern as he felt the pit of unease growing inside of her.

"Why not?" He asked.

Sabrina sighed and shrugged.

"Dunno. Bad dream, I guess?"

Before Jasper could respond Alice had zipped away, up the stairs to go get Bella and Edward.

Show time.

Alice skipped to the top of the stairs, dragging Bella behind her.

"I'm sorry about this," Carlisle apologised as Bella made her way down the stairs, "We tried to reign Alice in..."

"As if that were even possible," Esme scoffed, stepping forward and pulling Bella in for a hug.

"Happy Birthday, Bella!" The Cullen matriarch wished her, giving her a tight squeeze as Alice snapped a picture with Bella's new camera.

"I... found it in your bag," Alice informed sheepishly, "Do you mind?"

Sabrina peaked over Alice's shoulder, silently mouthing "sorry" to her cousin.

Bella just smiled, chuckling lightly and nodding.

"Dating an older woman... hot," Emmett commented with a smirk, standing on the stairs beside Edward.

Edward exhaled an incredulous laugh as Sabrina rolled her eyes, disgusted.

"What?!" Emmett exclaimed in confusion, his face falling as he took in both Sabrina and Edward's unimpressed looks.

"Benny, dear, smack him for me," Rosalie requested in her usual smooth, honeyed tone.

"Gladly," Benny replied, materialising beside Emmett and smacking him upside the head.

The enormous vampire was taken by surprise, his hand flying up to the tender spot on the back of his head.

"Ow!" He complained.

Benny stuck his tongue out and laughed, Bella chuckling slightly as well.

Sabrina suddenly felt lightheaded, the room momentarily blurring before coming back into focus.

Weird, she thought, shaking it off. Was she getting the flu? No, she just needed to eat.

Alice rolled her eyes at their antics and skipped over to Rosalie.

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