Chapter 3 - Shattering and Reuniting

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Over the past few days, parts of Bayside Academy Island  have mysteriously disappeared, like they've been deleted from existence. Places like the shopping mall in Electricity City and a section of housing in Central Kennedy are currently missing. If you have any information or suspicions, please come to see one of the members of the Magic Masters.

"Doubt anyone knows anything considering how stealthily it's all been done." Adam said taking a sip of his coffee.

"Yeah, the first few were at the dead of night and even with the new night surveillance, nothings been spotted. The Magic Masters have basically been patrolling every millimetre of the island. This person is somehow taking larger parts of our home and evading the law. " Riley responded while sitting down with a mug of hot chocolate in hand.

"Fingers crossed they don't cancel the Annual Magic Tournament." Zachary added. "I've been trying too hard for it to not go ahead."

Same here, but that's a likely hood. The only plus side is getting a free day off since they need all of today to finish setting up."

This just in, another part of our island has mysteriously vanished. An empty lot in the Ruined Village is gone, leaving a large crater in its place. Right now, Magic Masters are asking locals and anyone in area for any knowledge.

"There goes our training ground. We'll be needing to find a new place to train now." Adam said unhappily.

"Hang on a sec, can someone get me a map of the island. I think I may have noticed something." Zachary asked.

"I've got one right here. What's up?" Riley replied, handing Zachary the map.

Sitting himself down, he pulled out a red marker and began circling areas on the island. Riley and Adam watched in confusion as Zachary began to add arrows pointing each area to another.

"Notice anything about the areas that I've circled?"

"They're the exact same locations that have gone missing." Adam realised. "What about the arrows."

"They were the targets after the one it leads from." Riley figured out.

"Exactly, and there's a pattern too." Zachary continued excitedly. "The first few places stolen have been on the outside, looping around the island, but slowly they've been creeping more and more into the centre. Using this, we can find the next target, and ambush this criminal."

"Zachary, you are a genius." Adam complimented, slapping him on the back. "We should contact  Kaedan about this."

"Slight problem." Riley pointed out. "We know roughly where he's going to attack, but not when. It'd be better to stop them sooner than later."

"True, I'll go inform Kaedan about our discovery so he can send the Magic Masters there. You two head to the next target in case there's an attack." Adam ordered. "I'd rather be at the fight scene, but Zachary, after your discovery, you get to go instead. Try to delay them for as long as you can."

"You can count on the two of us." Riley assured, as the three left the house and split up.

Riley and Zachary moved through the streets of Central Kennedy, moving closer to the predicted attack area. As it came into view, they moved into the shadows so they couldn't be spotted. They watched the passing traffic, keeping an eye out for anyone looking suspicious or acting suspicious. Minutes ticking by, Zachary noticed a person cloaked in a brown coat, face hidden by its hood, emerge from an alleyway, constantly looking around.

"Look over at that person. I think they're up to something." Zachary whispered to Riley, who moved his attention to the suspicious person.

When the street was somewhat empty, the person made their moved. A galactic like glow appeared on their hand, creating a force field around the nearby park. The park it surrounded slowly faded away until it was no longer there. Zachary and Riley looked at each other in shock.

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