Chapter 61: I think I'm starting to like you.

Start from the beginning

She claims to like him, yet she's mingling with other alphas.

Only because Yin Lu had saved Nanyi did Heyu Shen let go of his suspicion about the other alpha's intentions. But in the future, they definitely wouldn't meet.

He declared coldly, "You're not to have any contact with Yin Lu anymore."


Nanyi stared at the bunny ears on her slippers, lost in thought. Even without Heyu Shen's directive, she wouldn't have interacted with Yin Lu. She believes one shouldn't lead on someone they're not interested in.

Any further involvement would only breed misunderstandings.

"Dry my hair for me."

The tone above her head had mellowed significantly, the chill less pronounced.

Heyu Shen sat in a chair, while Nanyi stood behind him, silently drying his damp hair.

The alpha still hadn't put on his nightgown, leaving Nanyi with nowhere to rest her gaze but on the top of his head.

A deep voice ordered again, "Dry it from the front."

Momentarily startled, Nanyi moved to stand between the casually spread legs of Heyu Shen, attending to his now half-dried hair.

The alpha's arms wrapped around Nanyi's waist, his head slightly tilted back, allowing her hands to tousle his hair freely.

He seemed like a lion that had been declawed.

The countdown to the Spring Festival was four days away, and neither Heyu Shen nor Yun Luo went to work anymore.

The incident from that night seemed to be left behind.

Nanyi's broken phone was discarded, replaced by a brand new one courtesy of Heyu Shen. This latest model, worth seven or eight thousand, was the best phone Nanyi had ever used.

She spent an entire afternoon exploring it on the couch.

Ultimately, she changed the phone's theme to a cute little frog, even the typing sound was swapped to a frog's croak. Each keypress emitted a "ribbit" sound, which Nanyi adored.

Despite the approaching New Year, there was an absence of the usual festive atmosphere within the villa.

In the past, Nanyi never held much anticipation for the Spring Festival. But now, having an alpha and what she considered home, she didn't want to spend the holiday in such solitude.

She expressed her desire to go shopping for New Year goods to Heyu Shen. Without a word, he handed her a card.

Nanyi: ............

She wanted Heyu Shen to accompany her shopping, not his money. For the few New Year items, her account was more than sufficient.

Thus, she declined the card, saying, "I don't need it."

The alpha, who was reading a newspaper, glanced up and casually remarked, "It's not a supplementary card."

"That's not what I meant. Could you... drive me there?"

"Didn't you get a..." Halfway through, the alpha paused. Setting down the newspaper, Heyu Shen changed his approach: "Yun Luo, would you like to join?"

Yun Luo, sitting opposite them, looked up with a slight furrow in his brows, his gaze shadowed and inscrutable.

After a brief glance at Nanyi, Yun Luo responded in his gentle voice, "No need, you two go ahead."

Heyu Shen took the car keys from the butler. Without a chauffeur, he decided to drive himself.

Nanyi took the passenger seat, occasionally stealing glances at the alpha's flawless profile.

Especially when he drove with such focus, he had a way of making her heart race and cheeks flush.

Heyu Shen wasn't blind. At first, the little one was a bit reserved, sneaking occasional glances.

But during the latter half of the drive, her gaze rarely stayed on the road ahead, her burning eyes lingering constantly on him.

When they reached a traffic light, the car halted, and Heyu Shen turned his head.

Nanyi was caught off guard, her lingering gaze caught in the act.

A smirk formed on Heyu Shen's lips as he remarked, "If you want to look, look openly. Why sneak peeks?"

His words heightened Nanyi's embarrassment. She awkwardly turned her head away, staring out the window.

Heyu Shen chuckled, effortlessly guiding her gaze back to him with a lift of his hand.

His eyes, usually cool and aloof, now shone with unadulterated affection.

A desire stirred in Heyu Shen, wishing to pull her close.

His deep, sultry voice broke the silence, eyes twinkling with mischief, "Nanyi, I think I've taken quite a liking to you. How about blessing me with a little omega as sweet and obedient as you?"

Nanyi: !

To Heyu Shen, the Omega before him felt comforting, reminiscent of a playful kitten, occasionally stirring an itch in his heart.

When another accomplished alpha appeared near his Omega, he even began to doubt his own allure.The thought of this Omega, so enamored with him, possibly being with someone else was rather unsettling.

The idea of having a docile Omega by his side and perhaps a mini Omega, as endearing as Nanyi, sounded appealing.

"Heyu... Shen."

"Beep beep."

The traffic light had changed, and behind the black Maybach was a long line of cars.

Heyu Shen's gaze shifted, and the car moved forward.

Although Heyu Shen remained silent, Nanyi's cheeks were still flushed.

After the substitute marriage, Little Dumb becomes a  big boss palm treasureWhere stories live. Discover now