"Okay mom. I won't hide any money from you ever again, now if you'll excuse me. I'm gonna head out to work now."

Lily rolled her eyes and tried not to gag hearing that 'mom' word. She didn't even fucking like this little girl, let alone want to be addressed as her mother.

"All that shit you make tonight is mine, so make sure you hand it over as soon as you come home. And don't fuckin' call me mom again, I ain't ya' mother."

Malora felt a pang in her chest but she ignored it. Every time her moth- well Lily; spoke, it was always something hurtful. Shit that would stick with her for the rest of her life. Malora never forgot any of the insults her mother threw at her.

If anything she recited them like a poem in her head every single day.. it got to the point where she actually started believing everything Lily said.

'I'm hideous. No man would ever find me attractive in the face, only my body. The only good thing about me is what I carry in between my legs, that's all I'll ever be worth. I'm a broke, unemployed, and uneducated prostitute. And I have been ever since I was a child. I'm nothing if not a quick fuck. I'm broken, and who would ever want to love something as broken as me?'

"Yes ma'am. Won't happen again."


Malora shivered, hugging her body to find some type of warmth. She was currently walking down her usual street and surprisingly no one approached her yet.

She wore her signature outfit, a tight body suit with only tiny shorts covering her ass. And even then some of her cheek was still out.

She hated wearing shit like this but it's how you get more customers after all. Give them a tease.. because that's how most of them like it.

"Aye you wit' the fat ass!" A masculine voice shouted, causing Malora to whip her head back. "Yeah, wassup? One hour is 3k, and anything above is 10k or over."

The man chuckled, shaking his head at how dumb this bitch sounded. Did she really think he was gonna pay her for pussy when he could just take it if he wanted?

"You must be out ya' mind. Ian paying that much for no ran thru pussy, you just gone come wit' me real quick."

Malora jerked her head back at his offensive words. She ran into people like this often unfortunately, but all her experience still wasn't enough to stop the fear from entering her body as the stranger inched closer towards her.

"Look, if you not payin' then you ain't getting shit. Simple." She shrugged and tried to play it off like she wasn't scared for her life.

But he could see right through her, he knew she was just talking out her ass in hopes he would give up. It's just too bad that he wasn't a quitter.

"Come mere baby girl I ain't gone hurt ya! But if you don't listen to daddy.. then we might have a problem."

As soon as she looked into his eyes she was met with full on lust. He had no intentions of just letting her walk away and she just now realized.

So she bolted. Didn't say a word, just took off sprinting down the street.. in heels! Luckily this was nothing new or she surely would've fell on her ass.

"Bitch get back here!" The stranger yelled, chasing after her with a quickness.

She was so out of tune with reality because the only thing she remained focused on was getting the fuck away from that sicko dude. So out of tune that she didn't even realize he was right on her ass, not until it was too late..

The stranger tackled her to the floor with his fists held back in the air. He was about to beat the shit out of her for making him chase her this far.. but most importantly, how dare she tell him no?

His fists met her face with full force and she swore she heard a 'crack' noise. The poor girl did all she could to try and push him off of her but she was fairly small compared to him. What more could she do? This is what she signed up for working a job like this.

She almost thought the bastard was going to kill her until she heard gunshots and felt his limp body fall on top of hers.

Her face was bloody, vision blurry, and voice nearly gone from all the screaming. But she was conscious enough to know that her previous threat was now dead. 'God bless whoever shot that bitch.'

Once she felt hands on her body she immediately started hyperventilating and thrusting her body out of whoever's arms she was in. "B..bitch put me down! You're so lucky I can't fuckin' see."

She heard a chuckle followed by a deep yet low voice. "Chill man, I'm just tryna help. Yo' injuries look bad and you bleeding a lot. I'm gonna stitch you up ight?"

"W..why should I trust you. What if you're just trynna take me home and do whatever to me. Just like that other guy." She croaked as he picked her up bridal style. Her voice was so weak and low, she just hoped he could understand what she was saying.

"Ian like that. Plus I just killed ole' dude that was beating yo' ass, basically saved ya life. But sure, I'll gladly just leave you here if that's what you want."

She thought about it for a while, he honestly seemed like he had all good intentions. And he practically saved her life already, so why not?

"Mkay you can take me. And thank you, for all your help. Also am I too heavy? Because I can just walk if it's-"

"No you good, you ain't heavy at all."

"Okay if you get tired just put me down."

All he did was hum and hold her tightly in his arms. She felt so safe with him.. with this stranger.

And he found it cute how she was so worried about if she was getting too heavy for him. Shit, at least she cared enough to ask.

"What's your name stranger?"

"Not tellin you."

"Come onnn, pleaseee."

He kissed his teeth at her consistency. 'She talk so damn much.'

"It's Zachariah. Now shut up."

"Okay Zachariah! I'm Malora, thank you again for saving me by the way."

"No problem mama, but shut up. Like for real."

authors note
thoughts, thoughts, thoughts??

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