turn to me when everything goes wrong.

Start from the beginning

seungmin rubbed the horrible feeling off his eyes away and took a hold of his phone, opening his messages. 

minho hyung:
did so much work today, i can finally go to sleep

i hope you're keeping up well too kim seungmin

his heart warmed instantly and he rushed to type him back.

me :

of course hyung, sleep well

it was a simple message, but it brought so much content to him. the irony was that minho and seungmin were the total opposites. the older was a night-owl while seungmin was an early bird. going to sleep at three wasn't a big deal to minho, neither was it for seungmin waking up at three. which was a humourous paradox because even if they lived in the same time zones, their rhythms danced differently. 

seungmin smiled and just as he was about to keep his phone back, he had another ping.

minho hyung:
why are you awake right now?

seungmin's blood ran cold.

it wasn't much of a big deal. he could just lie to minho about being awake a few minutes earlier than his usual time, it was literally just barely a fifteen-minute gap. but he wasn't so sure if the older would buy the excuse. 

neither was he sure of how would minho react if he found out seungmin hadn't slept in like two days. 

just woke up a bit early, no big deal

minho hyung:
kim seungmin don't you lie to me

i know your body from the back of my hand and there is no way you wake up even a minute earlier than 3:30

seungmin sighed. it was gonna be a hard time explaning to minho. what was he even thinking when he replied to him in the first place!?

hyung relax lol, i just set my alarm earlier today, no biggie

minho hyung:
don't you 'lol' me right now and tell me what the fuck have you been doing, did you even sleep

hyung i just woke up, let's not fight please

minho hyung:
oh hell nah kim seungmin

you're not getting away from this. 

and seungmin knew minho means every word he said. seungmin is not getting away from this. not after minho just mysteriously went offline. he sure didn't go to sleep, seungmin predicted but minho was unpredictable so he wasn't quite sure either. 

he sighed and shook his head in an attempt to shake his thoughts away and focus on the book in front of him that now seemed to be written in a foreign language. 

he slumped in his chair and brought it closer to his table, finally lifting his pen to solve the unfinished equation on his book but the sudden chime of his doorbell made him stop. 

he glanced at the clock. 

03:25:02 a.m. 

who could it be at this hour?

he sighed and got up, warily making his way towards the door. seungmin wasn't so sure if he should've grabbed a knife, but oh well, he is already near the door and seungmin is too tired to go to the kitchen, so he just opens the door, his gaze filled with a jolt of shock that threatened to pop his eye sockets right out.

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