Good Night

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The bunker held its quietness as silence shook throughout. Branch began tossing and turning in his bed as a cold sweat ran down his forehead. "Floyd." Branch whispered, entranced within his dream. Branch sat up quickly, suddenly waking up and yelled "Floyd!" He began to pant heavily, almost as if it was hard to breath. Was he really having a panic attack?

All of branches brothers decided to stay, only for the time being that is. They all slept in their very own bedrooms that had been built when Branch first made the bunker. Floyd was awakened by the screaming. Is someone fighting? Floyd quickly got out of bed and exited his bedroom for nobody to be in the hallway or living area. He began walking around the rooms trying to find the noise. He stopped at Branch's door.

Branch heard knocking on his door and quickly crawled across his bed and ran to the door, opening it quickly. "Floyd!" He said, pulling Floyd in for a hug.

"Branch! Is there something wrong..?" Branch let go and wiped tears from his eye, nodding."Sorry for waking was just a nightmare." Floyd pulled him into a hug this time, "No, it's ok Branch, don't worry about me." Branch hugged back and buried his face in Floyd's shoulder. "That's what my nightmare was"

John Dory opened his door with bandages, tissues, chocolate, tweezers, and anything else he could find from his room. JD looked over at Branch and Floyd and ran over. He dropped everything on the floor in front of them and asked, "What happened, Floyd?"
"Nightmare...something about me." Floyd said looking over

"I hear heavy that a panic attack?!" JD asked. "I think it was earlier, but not anymore, he's calmed down since then." Floyd responded.

Branch looked up. He hated that they talked as if he wasn't there, he wasn't a baby anymore, why do they talk as if he is? Floyd understood. He was was the only one who did.

"Branch? Branch are you ok?" John Dory asked. Branch went back to Floyd's shoulder, tears still rolling down his cheeks. "Branch..?" JD bent down to grab the tissues, standing and giving them to Branch. Branch left the hug to grab a tissue and blow his nose.

"Do you wanna talk?" Floyd asked just as Clay entered the bunker, still appearing to have tears roll down his cheeks, he had probably been at his sad book club. Floyd gestured to JD to go comfort Clay and he ran off. "Here, Branch, how about we go to your room." Floyd said, gently pushing Branch into the room.

"What about Clay?" Branch asked as Floyd closed the door. "John Dory is comforting him, don't worry. you wanna talk?" Branch sighed and wiped the rest of the earlier tears, "I...can't." Branch said,  rubbing the back of his neck. "That's ok." Floyd said, pulling him in for a tight hug.

Branch then hugged back.


Hours had passed since Branch's nightmare and it was now 6. He sat down on the couch with tea. "How you feeling li- Branch..?" JD asked as Bruce sat next to Branch. Bruce looked up at John Dory, confused, "What are you talking about JD?" Branch looked away with an oops face. "What? What did I miss?"

JD looked over at Branch and gestured to Bruce. Branch nodded, "Branch had a nightmare about Floyd." Bruce looked over at Branch. "Little bro, are you ok..?" Branch took a long sip, trying to avoid the question. JD looked at Branch with a serious expression and Branch attempted to avoid eye contact. "No...not really."

"Wanna talk about it.?" Bruce asked. Clay entered the living area and stood close by the doorway and watched his three brothers. Branch shook his head no then whispered under his breath, "Not with you two." John Dory gave him a worried look. "W-What do you mean not with us?!" JD asked, obviously offended. "No! That's not how I meant it, its just that...I'm uncomfortable...I'm gonna go." Branch said getting up from the couch and walking towards Clay.

"Wait, Branch. Could you talk to me?" Clay asked. Branch stood there for a moment to think then nodded hesitantly.

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