When Jin and Jimin got to class Jin tells him, "I completely forgot about that stupid auction."

"Don't worry about it. Just let those other heifers battle it out for him."

"I won't. I'll just try to put it out of my mind."

Later that afternoon, Taehyung was informed by the teacher who is in charge of the auction that he has been chosen to be sold and must provide a picnic basket of a prepared meal for the person who wins him in the auction.

He sighs unenthusiasticly and just nods. He gives the note to his mother when he gets home that day and she giggles.

"My Taetae must be a very popular boy to have been chosen. Don't worry, I will make sure to pack you something delicious."

He doesn't say anything and goes to his room where he wonders if Jin will bid on him.

He starts to imagine a scene where Jin gets into a bidding war with the other two girls who are supposedly going to bid on him according to Jungkook.

He then laughs to himself and remembers that Jin has made it clear to him that he's over him.

So the day of the auction comes around and he makes sure to look his very best and dresses in his nicest clothes. He styles his hair and borrows his father's cologne. As he looks at himself in the mirror, he thinks, "Maybe Jin will feel like bidding on me once he sees me."

His mother decides to drive him to school that day so he won't have to carry the picnic basket to school.

Meanwhile, at Jin's house. Him and Jimin are discussing the auction and Jin tells him, "I'm just going to leave any money I have at home so that stupid bitch doesn't accuse me of bidding on Tae."

"Sounds like a good idea. I wish we could just skip it. But they insist on making the entire school suffer."

They then leave Jin's house and start heading to school. As they pass a few houses they suddenly hear a woman loudly yelling out, "Seokjin-ah! Wait up."

They stop at one of neighbors house and she rushes out the door waving a wad of cash. "I'm so glad I caught you. I have finally gotten around to getting some money from the bank so I can pay you what I owe. Here you go dear. And thank you so much for letting me pay you later." She pinches his cheek and tries to turn back but Jin tells her, "Oh that's ok. You don't have to pay me. Consider it a gift." He then tries to hand her back the money she gave him.

But she refuses it and closes his hand over it. "Nonsense Jin-ah, you are a wonderful baker and deserve to be paid for your hard work. I will be buying more from you soon you know. Now go on to school before you're late."

With that she finally turns to go back home.

Jin then looks at Jimin who asks, "How much is it?"

Jin then counts the money and says, "It's $25."

"So much for leaving your money at home. C'mon, let's go."


As Taehyung stood in line with the other boys from the auction, Jungkook went over to his side. "Hey, I heard that you will not only be bid on by the two most popular girls in school. But someone said they saw your stalk-.. I mean your neighbor with a big, fat wad of cash. So you might have to share your lunch with someone you may not like."

"Shoo! Young man! This area is for the basket boys only. Go to your seat. Shoo!" The teacher scoots Jungkook away.

Tae starts to sweat. Could that really be true? Will Jin really bid on him after everything that happened between them?

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