Chapter 1 - First day first meeting

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Y/N Point of view

It was a normal sunny day outside when I woke up. I got out of bed and brushed my silky long blond hair. I picked out my outfit for my first day at my new school. I had to move here because my old caretaker died in a plane crash. I have been to many different houses ever since I was born. My mom,dad,brother,sister,aunt,uncle, grandma,granddad, cousin,best friend,dog, goldfish, and cat all died in a car crash when I was two seconds old. I was the only one that lived sadly. I had got sold to some random big mafia dudes to take care of me here in Japan. I hope at my new school I can make some new promising friends, and maybe even some enemies. Who knows.

I walk down stairs to see one of my caretakers, Fernando, making some breakfast. "Oh hey hunny bunch, breakfast is almost ready, go ahead and sit down. Fernado was one of the nicest caretakers I have ever had, so I had always felt comfortable around him. Fernado had put down a huge big breakfast for me. Pancakes, beacon, toast,eggs,guacamole, grits, oatmeal, cereal, and a lot more. Before I ate I checked the clock and saw that I was late. I ended up only taking one piece of toast and putting it in my mouth. I put on my size three shoes and started anime girl running down the street while my 48V breasts were bumping up and down. First day of school here I come.

Saiki point of view.

I woke up and put my clothes on. Then I left home. :/

Y/N point of view

As I was running down the street I bumped into this tall pink haired boy. He had on green glasses and a green suit on. He also had these little lolly pop looking things in his hair. "I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- m so so so so so so so so so-rry." He looked at me all confused. I expected him to throw me against the wall and call me a bad girl, but he didn't. He just walked away. Tears started falling out of my bright blue orbs. Just 10 seconds into my first day and someone already hates me.

Saiki k x Annoying YNDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora