Happy ending

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After 2 weeks)
(Y/n feels well)
Mikey:guys what do you think if we have a night movie?
Leo:yea that's great idea
Mikey:what about you y/n?
Y/n:I would love that
Mikey:I will order the pizza too
(The pizza arrives)
(They all watching and eating together and they all happy)
(After that they are hang out)
(Y/n stand on the floor)
Y/n:sigh I finally feel myself again
Donnie:glad to hear that
(Mikey starts to run)
Mikey:catch me If you can
Y/n:haha yes I can(she is running at him)
(Continue running)
(Leo is watching at y/n and mikey)
Leo:sigh finally everything returns to normal
(Raph scrubing Leo's head )
Leo:haha raph
Raph:you are right bro finally
(Donnie,Leo and raph watching y/n and mikey chasing each other,they are laughing)
(After y/n chasing mikey,they sat together on the roof)
Y/n:is that what you want father?
(Splinter spirit appears from the sky)
Leo:is that sensei?
Donnie:no way
Splinter:hello my children
Y/n:is is that really you?
Splinter:yes my daughter
(They all starts crying and hugging him)
Splinter:I miss you all,my family
Raph:we too father(Splinter smiles)
Splinter:I come just to thank you,for taking a good care for the city and fight the evils continue the fight my children don't give up,and for my daughter y/n I need to say a special thanks to you,you really take a good care for your brothers,I know that I put on your shoulders heavy responsibility,but I can't trust any one than you,you did a good job all of you
(Y/n is watching him,with tears in her eyes)
Splinter:good bye my family
Mikey:are you living?
Splinter:I always be here with you in your heart michelangelo 
(And he vanished)
(The turtles are watching the sky)
(And they hug eachother)
Y/n:sigh let's go home guys
Mikey:and play videogames?
(Y/n smiles)

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