Football dates

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My daddy told me when I was 15 "I wish you were a boy, with your skills, you'd be able to go international"

I took that to heart.

I exchanged numbers with Sunny last night, morning? Not sure.

Anyways, we agreed that today would be our little football get together. I just met Sunny but I love a lot of things about him, I made a mental list.

-He loves football as much as I do.

-He treats me with kindness.

- He understands me.

-He takes initiative in our conversations.

- He doesn't mind that I'm quiet.

-He's there for me.

I'm not in love or anything, I'm really not. But it sometimes feels like Sunny is my soulmate, platonic soulmate. I'm not religious but I believe that God sent him to me.

I pet my cat. It's a rag doll. She loves me almost as much as my family does. I think she knows when I feel lonely. I got her on my first pay check and named her Beaux. I know that it means handsome but Belle is too basic, and I don't like the name, so my rag doll is called Beaux. I think she likes it.

I cuddle up with her when I hear my phone going off. A phone call? It's Saturday so I work from home, phone calls are not uncommon but the name that shows up surprises me.

Sunny ☀️ is calling

Sun-oh? Oh, he must be calling to cancel the football hang out. I sigh in disappointment. I guess I got my hopes up for no reason.

I pick up the phone and it's silent for a second.

"Hey Lana" I hear.

"Hi Sunny"

"Ahh I'm so excited for football today, is 6pm ok for you? I wasn't sure if we agreed on the time and texting takes toooo much time." Oh, so he didn't cancel? That made me happy.

"No worries, I hate texting too, makes my fingers hurt, 6 is fine, do you have a location in mind?" I said calmly but I'm sure he could hear a smile in my tone.

"Lemme check, be right back, stay on the line!" He responded. There was silence for a few moments, the only thing I could hear is the keyboard on his side.

"Ok, I'm back, so how bout this park, it's near the International School Of France, it looks clean." I checked the location, it's an hour walk. Don't get me wrong, I have a licence but I recently sold my car and I'm still searching for a new one.

" the walk is a bit long from my place" I say, my voice laced with disappointment, I wanted to play there too, I used to play there for nationals.

"Not a problem, I can just drive you, send the addy." It made me happy. I know that it's stupid to get in a car with a stranger but I've known him for almost a week and he hasn't done anything.

So I reluctantly agree and hang up, sending him my address.

My sister, Ann, told me when I was 11 and saw her get in a car with someone I've never seen before, she told me "it doesn't matter how long you've known someone, after all, even people you know for a while can change, just like daddy."

I took that to heart.


>sun-oh is actually a texter, he doesn't really like calls but he wanted to hear Lana's voice.

>Beaux is actually something I plan to name my cat, it kinda sounds like Boo which I think is super cute.

>Lana plays football by herself every ones in a while so she still has a lot of skill.

>please leave a comment!

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