Chapter 3

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The 'Torture in Hell' treatment was definitely not what I had expected as I sat comfortably in the most relaxing bath I had ever been in in my life. My hair was tied up in a messy bun due to its long length and my red dress and jacket I had arrived in sat beside the bath neatly folded up.

I couldn't help but sigh at how relaxed I felt in this moment as if the wait of my grandfathers contract no longer existed. Not long after, the three women returned wrapping me in a towel and proceeding to, what I guessed to be carefully removing the dead skin from my arms and legs. Finally I was taken to a room where I was changed into a pale purple Yukata which had embroidered lily's covering the fabric.

I was soon left alone in the room sitting at the table placed in front of the center back wall. "Well that was strange." Not exactly what I thought a 'Torture in Hell' treatment would be like. 'I wonder where they dragged Aoi off to', I thought worried for my twins safety. "So how are you liking Ten-jin-ya?" A voice spoke scarring me out of my thoughts. Looking to the entrance of the room I found the familiar Ogre God making his way over to the table where I sat.

"My you look breathtakingly beautiful in our inn's signature Yukata my lovely wife to be." I remained quite not wanting to breach the topic just yet. "So I'll take your silence as your refusal to my proposal." As he spoke he came to kneel beside me staring me down with his enchantingly red eyes. "You know you bring me quite the dilemma." My head tilted slightly at his words. "What do you mean?"

At my words his hand stretched out to cup my cheek, his nails ghosting ever so gently over my newly flushed skin. Why was he making me feel this way. "I've spoken with your sister and she seems to think it possible to work off Shirō's debt, in exchange for me breaking off my marriage to you." My eye's widened at this, 'oh Aoi what are you getting yourself into'.

"Can I ask how much the debt is?" He smiled what I could only describe as a mischievous grin as he nodded. "One million Yen." This time my eye's bulged at the piece of information. One million Yen, how on earth could grandfather gather that much debt at one inn. "I need to speak with Aoi. Where is she?" I turned my gaze back to the Ogre god who's hand had fallen back to his side.

For some reason he chuckled at my question. Gazing at his baffled he finally stopped to answer. "I knew you would ask eventually, she's just in the room beside this one." Giving me a thoughtful look he continued. "I could grab her if my bride wishes it." I could only nod still not use to the term, though I doubt I ever will be.

Leaving the room for only a minute he arrived back with Aoi in tow. Standing from my seated position I walked over to her the both of us embracing the other. "Aoi you can't possibly pay of this debt." I spoke now holding each of my twin's shoulders, feeling the Ogre watching. "I can't let you go through with this, not if there's a way to stop it."

I shook my head vigorously to try and prove my point. "No Aoi. I don't want you spending the rest of your life paying off a debt that isn't even yours." Before she could protest I interrupted. "I promised Grandpa, I knew this would happen some day. This is my burden to bare, not yours." I spoke with a tender smile placed on my lips to reassure her.

Releasing Aoi's shoulders I turned back to the Ogre god. "I will marry you to pay for my grandfathers debt, but Aoi returns home, were she'll be safe." A smile grew on the Ogre's face at my words. "So you do accept my proposal, very well then my wife to be."

I could feel Aoi's presence beside me and it broke my heart to think she'd be leaving me, but it was for her own safety. "No, let me pay it back. I'll stay and work till it's paid, that settles debt and Lilia won't have to marry you." I shook my head at her words. "What an interesting proposal, but one you've already given and I've denied." The Ogre spoke disappointment clear in his tone.

The room became silent, as if he was actually considering Aoi's proposal. "Very well you can try, but if your unsuccessful in finding a job my marriage to Lilia will go ahead." Out the corner of my eye I saw Aoi give an immediate nod in agreement.

Soon Aoi left, no doubt on the hunt for a job, though I couldn't help but worry for her, I wish she hadn't made that deal. I seated myself back down at the small table and it didn't take long for the Ogre to join me after sliding the doors to the room shut. "You seem less apprehensive about our engagement than I had expected." It felt odd being left in the room with him, not entirely uncomfortable just strange.

"My grandpa told me about the contract three years ago, that's when I made the decision to take the place in marriage." I couldn't help but sigh before I continued. "I made my decision to save grandpa from his debt, but also protect Aoi." I couldn't help but fiddle with my hands as I spoke, the nerves catching up to me.

Suddenly a hand was placed over mine bringing them to be at my eye level and causing me to look the Ogre in his deep ruby eye's. "I have to commend you. That is very noble thing you did for Shirō and your sister, my lovely bride." I could feel my cheeks flush once again at his words and they grew even hotter once his lips graced the knuckle of my left hand.

I looked away, not being able to hold his gaze much longer. "Lilia." I could feel the confusion coming off of him. "I'd rather you call me by my name than 'bride' or 'wife to be', it makes me feel awkward." Suddenly he laughed though it wasn't to loud and it didn't feel rude in any way. "Vey well Lilia. If I am to call you by your name then I would like it if you would do the same."

Lifting my head back up to look at the Ogre who still held my hands in his, though now they were resting not far off the ground. "What is your name then?" I asked curious as to what this ayakashi's name could be. "Ōdanna, that is my true name." Looking at him I decided the name suited him far better than Ogre god. "Ōdanna." I said testing out his name on my tongue.

"It suits you." I said causally worried about how he would react. Of all things, I didn't expect a welcoming and pleasant smile to grace his pale lips. "I'm glad to hear you like it, as I like yours, Lilia." I couldn't help but smile in the same way as I felt butterflies in my stomach. What's wrongs with me, why do I feel like this all of a sudden.

He suddenly released our still joined hands. "I shall leave you to rest, as I'm sure the day has been tiering." He got up and as I thought he was about to turn and leave he bent down and place a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Good night my lovely Lilia."   

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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