Meeting Highwing

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I was still spending my day in my dorm, wanting to be left alone. Around this time it's lunch time. And I do have to be honest I was pretty hungry.
I was contemplating if I should go to the great hall and eat some lunch or just stay here. The last thing I needed were filthy looks thrown my way, especially Marcella's gaze was something I could not bear to see.

Even if I didn't have to say anything bad about the girl. I was pretty angry that she believed Sebastian's words so easily. They just met. And he managed to manipulate her. I at least thought Marcella was a little smarter than that.

None the less I was sad that I had lost a friend. One that reminded me of where I came from. Abby would never…ever! Believe such words!

My stomach grumbled, asking for food. I really didn't want to leave my dorm. But my stomach had different plans. The fact that I didn't even finish my breakfast this morning was hard enough, not giving me the satisfying feeling of being full. So it was safe to say I was really hungry.

Or I could wait for a while and sneak into the kitchens again. The house-elves don't mind. Last time with Natty they gave us three cupcakes to eat and they were happy to be of our service. One of the elves told us that they always liked it if a student came wandering in the kitchen. Especially if they wanted to make conversation.

Yeah,that sounds like a good idea, just wait here until lunch is over and then go to the kitchens and see what I could eat.

"You heard that from Scrope?"
I laughed, the house-elf Mintsy gave me some rather interesting details about our headmaster. Something about his boils…

"Oh but you mustn't tell anyone Mintsy told you"

I smiled kindly "Don't worry Mintsy, your secret's safe with me, but I'm glad you told me this rather funny story, and thank you for this delicious sandwich."

The sandwich was indeed delicious. The house-elves had no trouble with me being here. I even got to bake some cookies with them. I could get used to this. Making myself feel useful here. The company of the house-elves were uplifting. I was happy to join them.

"Mintsy is most grateful for your presence, but I must ask, why didn't you join the rest of the students for lunch, surely you would want to spend time with your peers?"
Ah, the question that I had been dreading. I took a heavy sigh as I stared at the freshly baked cookies. I started picking on my nails, a bad habit of mine.

"I thought it would have been nice to join the elves today, see how all that delicious food is being prepared" I lied. I hate lying but I didn't want anyone to know what was bothering me. Only because I didn't constantly want to make it subject to talk about and be reminded or everything that happened this morning.

"With all due respect, but Mintsy thinks you are lying, but it does look like the subject is hard to talk about so why don't we move on"
Finally someone who would not question everything.

"Let's see how the cookies are baked and if they're finished!" I said in excitement.

The cookies looked good, they were the basic chocolate chip cookies. But those are the best kind after all.

"Here, take some cookies with you, for you and your friends!" Mintsy presented me with a bowl and filled it with cookies. The smell of them was absolutely amazing. So freshly baked.

My friends? Ha! Like I have any friends here. It has been pretty clear that no one bothers with me. Don't get me wrong, Poppy, Adelaide and Natty are nice. But I don't know them well enough to consider them a friend. And Marcella? Well, she decided to choose a different side.

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