Chapter 1 (The Beginning)

Start from the beginning

"Did you hear the news about Jason?" I asked my parents barging into the living room as they were busy making arrangements for the travel

"Yes, it's furthermore the reason for us to move back, Katherine" Dad acknowledged as I took a seat next to him

"Even though we don't see eye to eye they lost their son, it would crush any mother's heart" Mom stated

"I'll get my packing done and check on Jenny we'll head out as soon as we're done," I say as they nod in agreement

I start packing my clothes and everything in for travel, I got my purse ready with essentials - My passport, charger, makeup kit, cash, and my tab

"You need any help?" I asked Jenny watching her pack

"Just left with shoes and books" she replied "I'll get that" I got everything and packed it in a handbag

With everything done I take a seat beside her "There's something you need to know,"

"Jason Blossom is no more," I say as her eyes widen in shock the same way mine did when I heard the news

"Why? How did it happen?"

"We don't know much just that...that he's no more and Cheryl will be taking charge of things from here on," I explain as she nods hugging me

My dad's business was one of the reasons for our rivalry with the Blossom family but it never made a difference to my or Cheryl's friendship until one day crossed a line by playing dirty tricks on Jenny in front of the whole school during the annual football games and everything got much worse

I hadn't been easy on Cheryl since then and neither will I now. We got the luggage in and left for the airport, it was time we went and established our place and power back in Riverdale

"The plane's ready Sir," the pilot informed as we got settled, this was going to be a long year for sure

We moved to New York due to Mom's bad health, as she was diagnosed with a tumor we all had to leave for New York for her treatment where the Lodge helped us out. Gladly she's been recovering after her operation. It's been 2 years since then, Though I'm happy to meet Archie, Betty, and of course Jughead again

We landed in Riverdale, the place where I spent most of my childhood, as I got out Veronica's message popped up in my notifications

Veronica ~
"Have you reached?"

Katherine ~
"On my way, I'll message you once I reach"

"The Lodge family is here, I just received Veronica's text. They'll be coming over for dinner" I addressed as my parents nodded

"It's good Hermione decided to get Veronica away from that mess," Mom said as I listened quietly

"Welcome Mr. & Mrs. Lockwood, and My young ladies" Mitch greeted us

"Hello Mitch, how have you been?" I asked as he escorted me out of the car

"I've been good miss, just waiting for you to return and meet this old man," he joked as I and Jenny chuckled

"You're not old, you're way younger and stronger than anyone here," I say as both the sisters give him a hug

Mitch is our PA, driver, chef, and everything, he's always been there for me and Jenny whenever our parents were busy or when mom started her treatment

Heading inside the manor I admire the interior, as we all go to our rooms I quickly change and help Mom arrange the place for dinner as Veronica's arriving


"Welcome Hermione and Veronica" Dad greeted as they entered the house

"How are you Aunt Hailey, you look good," Veronica asked meeting my mother

"I'm good darling, you look much more beautiful than me" Mom stated as Jenny and I gave Aunt Hermione and Veronica a hug

"We'll let you girls talk," Hermione said as Jenny and I took Veronica to my room, we sat and talked for quite a while discussing various things like the city, food, boys, school, and the school drama

"Do you have any idea when he'll get out?" I asked

"Not yet but we hope he does, it's weird not having Dad around and with all these trolls and comments" she replied as I hummed in response. After our conversations, we had dinner with both the family's and spent some time together before they left

"Do you think that Aunt Hermione isn't aware of the crimes Uncle Hiram committed?" I asked walking around the room and having my ice-cream

"For now all we gotta do is help and support her until Hiram returns" Mom stated as I nodded leaving the room

I may be a teenager but I'm the one who knows what's going around in the family business and rivalry. I'm an important part of the family, that's the reason I'm called a Half-Serpent because Dad is technically from the South Side and Mom from the North Side

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