*~ FOUR ~*

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Since district 5 isn't that far away from the Capital, Aurora and Elijah's train ride wasn't very long, only a couple of hours, and in those hours Aurora slept mostly the whole way. Aurora loved the beds they had on the train it always felt so soft and cozy.

Only then was Auroras nap interrupted by her escort Emery. "oh, I'm so sorry my dear I didn't know you were sleeping".

Aurora could never be rude to the woman that stands in front of her, Emery has a heart of gold and was never disrespectful to anyone. "It's fine Emery, I wasn't really getting any sleep anyways" Aurora lies having an excuse to get up because really if Emery didn't come in Aurora probably wouldn't wake up again.

"Oh Okay, I just wanted to tell you we've nearly arrived at the Capital" Emery smiles softly and Aurora returns the smile and nods her head gently. "Well I'll leave you to it, I will let you know when we've arrived" Emery mumbles leaving Aurora in her room alone.

Aurora decides to go out into this glass room at the back of the train where she can see everything, the beautiful trees with mockingjays surrounding them, It was the first time Aurora felt at peace since the reaping.
Aurora just sat there watching her get further and further away from her district, her home, until she entered this dark tunnel that blocked all the light that shined into the room, and she knew where she was, the Capital.

As Aurora stepped off the train she was greeted by her designer, Roco. Roco was actually a very talented designer, every outfit he put her in look beautiful but Roco insists it's just Auroras Beauty that makes the outfit look better.

"I can't tell you how much I've missed you Aurora" Roco says pulling Aurora along with him, Aurora just giggled to herself. "I have something much bigger for you this year" Roco speaks eagerly, Aurora knew he couldn't wait for the parade.

When walking into the building Aurora could see that other tributes have already arrived aswell, tuning a corner Aurora spots a specific boy, Finnick Odair. Aurora hated him more now that she has seen him in person, but she didn't realise how much she was staring at the boy until Elijah pats her arm brining her back to reality, she turns her head to the man with a confused expression.

"You were staring a little too hard at the Odair boy Rora" Elijah chuckled at how the girl was acting.

"I hate him Elijah, he killed my best friend" Aurora spits turning back at where she was looking before only to realise that Finnick was looking straight back at her with a small grin on his face, Aurora decides to ignore the boy and keep walking towards the elevator.

"Miss Baird where are you going?" Emery shouts softly.

"I'm going to go to my room Emery I'm quite tired, after all I didn't get much sleep on the train" Aurora replies.

Emery nods her head "we won't be long now dear only a few minutes" Emery speaks loudly for Aurora to hear. Aurora smiles back at the woman and walks into the elevator.

Aurora manages to get to her floor and when she does she walks over to her apartment door. and it looks the exact same as her games. Memories flood her mind, the way she stood at this door once before and now here she is again. "How did I get here again, huh" Aurora mumbles to herself finally opening the door, and as expected everything was the same a few touches here and there but nothing different.

After a while Elijah, Emery and Roco had came up to the apartment. All of them discussing or mainly Roco about the tribute parade and how he's got something unique and memorable for this afternoon.

Authors note:
Sorry this was a short part but I have a lot to write in the next part and I didn't want to write it all on here. And don't worry Aurora and Finnick will meet soon.

*~ AVENGE HER ~*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant