*~ ONE ~*

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Aurora got reaped for the 66th hunger, only a year after her best friend, Bonnie got reaped. Bonnie wasn't so successful with her games and died to the victor of the 65th hunger games, Finnick Odair.

After Aurora was crowned victor of the 66th hunger games she received the title of 'the victor who has killed the most in the arena' she had killed 12 out of 24 tributes, but Aurora never intended for that to happen, the tributes decided to hunt her down because of her fame in the capital and her final score before the games, which was a 10 out of 12 meaning she had the highest rating in her games.

Now Aurora didn't come from a career district she came from for district 5, but despite their wealth they only had 2 living victors, Aurora and Elijah Hound who won the 52nd hunger games by never letting his guard down and never ever did he hesitate at any time in his games and that's exactly what Aurora did aswell she didn't hesitate she just did it, more less because she wanted to get home to her family, to be able to see her little sister Iris again.

As you may know from Auroras second name, (Baird) she is related to the Lucy Gray, Victor of the 10th hunger games but no one knew that, nobody even knew who Lucy Gray was.
Only Aurora, her sister and her mother. Lucy Gray always used to tell Aurora story's about her games and how she escaped 12 and ended up in 5 then she made a small family there but, the one thing Aurora didn't know was why her gran left 12 what happened there. At first Aurora didn't think much of it I mean she was only a child, but as she grew older she grew more curious about it and asked her grandmother why, what happened in 12.


It was the morning before the day everyone dreads, reaping day. Aurora woke up to her little sister screaming and yelling, Aurora rushed into her 16 year old sisters room panic running through her.

Aurora has always been paranoid ever since President Snow killed her mother all because, when Aurora went on the victor tour she told the whole of Panem what really goes on if your in those games and how much Snow destroys your live. And Snow couldnt have that, so Snow had to punish her and decided to killed her Mother and leave her to look after her little sister all by herself. And just to put the cherry on the top as soon as Aurora turned 17 Snow sold Auroras body to the Capital.

Aurora bursts into her sisters room asking questions rapidly, "Are you ok, did you have a nightmare, are you hurt-"

her sister cuts her off by saying "I'm fine Rora it just that twinkle ran away again" Iris says with watery eyes. Twinkle was Iris's pet cat that she found when she was only 7, that cat has been with her most of her life, but Aurora never knew what was so special about a cat but she let her sister keep it as It brought happiness into her sisters life.

"Gosh Izz you had me scared something happened to you" Aurora says quickly trying to cool herself down.

"I know, I know I'm sorry it's just that Twinkle has been off lately and has been running away a lot" Iris speaks as she pulls her big sister into a quick hug to confirm that she's safe.

"It's ok...and I'm sure Twinkle is fine she'll come home soon, maybe she just wants some fresh air you know" Aurora stated looking out of the window the cat ran out of. Just then both girls heard the front door open Aurora and Iris turned to each other.

"Who's there?" Iris whispers loud enough for her sister to hear.

"I don't know you didn't invite your friend over today?" Aurora asks the girl behind her as she slowly walks out of the room towards the stairs.

"Hello, Anybody home?" Elijah shouts from downstairs.

"It's Elijah" Iris shouts, running down the stairs to Elijah.

"It's me alright" Elijah confirms pulling Iris into a big hug.

Aurora just takes a deep breath of relief as she walks down the stairs to where everyone is.

"You ok Doll?" Elijah spoke, Iris running into the living room leaving Elijah and Aurora in the hallway.

"Ye just had a bad night" Aurora replies, Elijah was the closest thing Aurora and Iris had to a father, they're biological father left when Iris was born and they haven't seen him since and Aurora plans to keep it that way she doesn't want someone who left her and her family years ago coming back into her life.

"If you say so kiddo" Elijah says whilst hitting Auroras back lightly to lighten the mood, Aurora just rolls her eyes playfully while following Elijah in to the living room. They both walk into the living room where Iris is sitting on the couch watching the so called tv it's more like a projector but whatever.

All day the three of them just talked and watched the 'tv', until President Snow needed to make an announcement to the whole of Panem.

Authors note:
Hi guys just wanted to say thank you for being patient and I hope you enjoyed this part of the story also I will probably be posting every week. Thank you again :)

*~ AVENGE HER ~*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora