Chapter 3

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Soon, I heard the door burst open. It was Luffy. "Coming back so I can finish reading these comics. I'll be done soon, I read fast!" I smirk. "Is that so? Then, Captain, could you tell me what they were about?" He stares blankly and thinks for a couple moments. "Well... they're mostly about super-hero's. They save the city from destruction and they capture the bad guys and send them off to jail. Isn't that the usual plot of comic books?"

While he's not wrong, he didn't explain to me why. I laugh, "yes, but sometimes comic books have cliffhangers or the villains win for the moment. Did any of the computer books you've read have any of those moments?" He ponders again. "Well.. I don't remember exactly, but I think.. this one did."

I grab the comic book from him, and I scroll through a few pages of it. "It does seem like for the majority of the comic that the villain is winning. Although, in the end the hero saves the day. You found the second part to the cliffhanger. Good job though, next time pay a little more attention to what you're reading. You're more than welcome to take a few short books and read them in your free-time."

He smiles and thanks me. Then randomly takes three books off of the selves. Unfortunately they're out of order, but I don't think he'll notice. I get back to what I was doing before and head to the door. I open it up to Usopp. "Heya, Robin! Can I barrow a few boos about mechanics? I promise it'll only take a few seconds!" I gesture out of the way, "of course, take as many as you like." He rushes in just as he got in, he was out. Like the wind.

I walk towards the stairwell to give the books to Nami. Who was obsessing over her log-posts. I softly walk up to her and gently pat her on the shoulder. "Here's your books. I'm sorry for the delay." She instantly raises her hands and grabs the books excitedly. "Thank you, again, Robin! I'll enjoy every moment of them. Maybe we should buy some more. Or I just make one myself, hah! Nah, I'm not a writer."

"That's okay. We're all good at something and I don't mind buying more. Even I enjoy reading the navigational literature. It's a real treat. It's even more treasurable to see someone who can easily navigate through these waters like you can, Nami." She smiles happily. She thanks me again and proceeds to walk towards our room for some quiet to read the books.

I sit down onto the mast again for today. I listen to all my friends having a good time. With the wind riding in the back of my hair. I smile more, I've never smiled this much in my life. It's a good feeling, a warm, comfortable feeling. A feeling that reassures yourself that you belong. This is your home. You're home. At least, that's what it gives me.

I mean, I'm sure it's different for everyone. Especially for those who can smile easily. Than those who can barely pull a genuine smile. Than those who don't. Everyone's "reassurance" is different. Regardless it all means the same.

Brook leans over to me and sat beside me. "How is your day going, Robin? Anything you would like me to help you with?" I shake my head no. "My day is going well. Everything's peacefully settled, but I will admit, it's kinda boring. But, how's your doing been going?" He yohohoho's "Splendidly! I made sure I did everything correct today! I even helped Sanji with his cooking. I hoped that effort was seen in his eyes. We all know how highly expected he his about himself."

"That is true.. I'm not sure if he knows it yet, but he exceeds them every time. None of us can ever get enough of it. We're all so excited for his meals. I hope he sees that through his own efforts." Brook nods in agreement. "Absolutely right, indeed, Robin! Glad that you're so thoughtful of others. Really makes you easy to talk with."

I become a little flustered "really? You think so? Hmm.. I only thought I was just being realistic and non-accusatory." Brook looks at me throughly and laughs again. "My, you're so modest! Too bad I can't be that modest, get it? Because I'm a Skeleton! YOHOHOHO!" I chuckle aside him.

We talk a little more (I'm sorry, but I'm not about to make four more paragraphs of desperate attempt to move it along) then Brook was called over by Franky and Usopp. I tell him "good luck, see you later." He frantically waves back at him gesturing the same thing. I go back to me and Nami's room.

Nami is drawing her map. I put a jacket on her shoulders so she doesn't get cold. She smiles at me and returns to her drawing. I walk over to my side of the room, and decided to take a small power-nap. (What?! Robin sleeping?! Rare.)

A couple hours later, I was being nudged to get up by Nami. "Hey, it's time for dinner. You slept pretty well back there. Feeling refreshed?" She replies with a wide smile on her face. "Yes.. I'm well-refreshed. Thank you for the concern. Also, we should hurry, it's now dinner time. Shall we go together?"

"Sure! I was actually about to ask the same thing. I'm glad we had the same thought in mind. I guess we're either hanging out too much or know each other more than we thought? Hehe I know it was just a small coincidence. Regardless. We really should get going..." "Agreed."

We both walk and talk until we reached the kitchen. "NAMI-SWAAAAAN! ROBIN-CHAAWWN! YOU'RE HERE!" Sanji practically jumps at us just barely entering into the kitchen. "Shut up, and get off of them and give them space, curly brows. Sheesh, I wonder how they can tolerate such an ignorant man." "What you say?! You wanna talk about that last comment out-loud? I don't remember you being perfect either! Mr. Serious 24/7! Like, c'mon, lighten up! Good god, you never smile anymore. It's a real turn-offer."

I sit down while their bickering continues. Jimbe yells at them to knock it off and continue with dinner. Luffy while laughing agrees, but because it's only food in the context. Sanji scoffs and hurries to get our food. He, of course, serves the girls first. Then goes on to subtly passive aggressively serve the boys'. Then just slams Zoro's plate down in-front if them. Boy, do they ever change. Most likely never. It's good though. I love them just the way they are.

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