224 21 87

Dead Wattpad, used to be alive,
Where stories were shared, and people thrived.
Until one day, it all died down,
And now it's like a ghost town.

The authors all left,
Their stories swept away,
And now it's just a barren wasteland,
With nothing for us to say.

We used to chat with friends,
Share stories, and have fun,
But now everything is gone,
And we can't get it back, not even one.

We need to come back,
And start our journey anew,
We need to revive the site,
And get it back to the way it used to be true.

So come on, everyone,
Let's bring Wattpad back to life,
Let's write stories together,
And make it thrive once more, with no strife.

Why is Wattpad so dead?Where stories live. Discover now