Chapter 07: Hospital visit

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3rd POV
At the hospital, Bella and Tyler were being looked after in the ER, while Calista had been admitted. Dr. Cullen was overseeing her case, demanding her medical records and ordering an MRI to see if they'd need to preform emergency surgery. He also ordered a full body scan to look for any other injuries.

He was startled by the little information on Calista's health, it was almost as if she hadn't been to see a doctor since she was nine years old....and even then it was only vaccinations and well visits which were mandatory. He did more research and saw that it was the same with her dental and vision records.

Tyler only had a cut on his head and a had a fractured wrist. Bella was completely unharmed, not a single scratch on her.

Unfortunately, Calista had a concussion and had landed awkwardly on her right arm, simultaneously popping her shoulder out of its socket and breaking her wrist at the same time. What was unusual however, was the fact that Calista's body scan revealed multiple healed fractures and broken bones. He also noted the scars along her inner forearms, the tops of her thighs, and along her hips......

Dr. Cullen wanted to have a few words with Charlie, regarding Calista's lack of care and mysterious injuries as well as her possible self harming situation, but for now he was going to be the good, dutiful doctor and stay by Calista's side in case she woke up.

Dr. Cullen reluctantly left Calista's side, leaving her in his children's hands, while he went to go speak to the Sheriff who was in the ER with his other daughter.

When he got down there, he was surprised to see Charlie and Bella filling out discharge paperwork and getting ready to leave.

Carlisle paused, willing his anger away and attempting to reassure himself that Charlie was simply trying to get Bella safely home so he could focus on Calista's wellbeing.

Carlisle approach the duo and plastered a fake smile on his face "Sheriff! It's good that you're here, I have some questions regarding Calista's medical history" Charlie looked up baffled and asked "Uhh, who?" Carlisle paused again, steadying his rising anger, before answering "Calista, your other daughter, the one who was just brought in with a concussion."

Charlie nodded and waved Carlisle off "Oh yeah, yeah, right, Calista.....can that wait? I've gotta get Bella home" Carlisle gritted his teeth before saying "I'm not sure that you're taking your daughter's wellbeing seriously enough, Sheriff" making Charlie look up at him with a furrowed brow of confusion "What are you talking about? The nurse said that Bella was fine-"

"I'm not talking about Bella, I'm talking about Calista!" Carlisle snapped as his anger finally reached its tipping point startling not only Charlie, but the nurses around them as well.

Charlie started to weakly defend himself "Well, Bella is-" "Is perfectly fine, Mr. Swan, but Calista is not and she needs her father right now, and where is he?" Carlisle shot back furiously. A few nurses gathered around and attempted to calm the uprising argument.

Bella, on the other hand, was standing there arms crossed and fuming as her ugly sister somehow managed to bewitch another inhumanly attractive man.

This wasn't fair! Bella was smart, sexy, and nice! The total package! Calista was stupid, ugly, and evil! It just didn't make sense!

Calista had to be telling lies and making up stories about her, it was the only logical explanation..... Unless Calista was a witch, it made sense with how hideous she was.

While Carlisle and Charlie argued with the nurses trying (and failing) to break it up and calm both men down, Bella went off to pay her dear, sweet sister a visit.

When Bella arrived at the room where one of the nurses informed her that her sister was in, she was surprised to see the Cullen siblings surrounding the area.

Alice and Emmett were in the room with her. Emmett was sitting by her bedside, holding and kissing her hand with tenderness that you wouldn't think to see in a burly man. Alice was in the bed, spooning and snuggling Calista's unconscious body as she ran her fingers through her hair to soothe the sleeping girl with whispers of sweet nothings.

While Edward and Rosalie were hushedly arguing in the hallway outside the door in order to not disturb the sleeping beauty in the room, Jasper was trying to meditate the duo.

"Honestly, Edward! What were you thinking?! She saw you!" Rosalie hissed out "What was I supposed to do?! Calista could've died!" Edward argued "I know that, but Isabella saw you! You left a witness!" Rosalie snapped back "What did you want me to do?! Pull a switchero and put Isabella in Calista's place?!" Edward asked exasperated making Rosalie hum "Well, it certainly would've benefited everyone."

"ROSE!" Edward and Jasper shouted in unison "What?! We were all thinking it! I just had the balls to say it out loud!" Rose said defensively.

Bella's eyes narrowed as the dusty and rusted gears in her head started to turn after years of being inactive......

'So I did see Edward speed inhumanly fast towards the accident, but Rosalie doesn't want me to know about it....but why? I'm clearly one of them. I'm inhumanly beautiful and mysterious just like them. It must be Calista! She must've put some sort of spell on her and the rest of them! Don't worry my precious Cullens, I'll save you from that monster and find out your secret!'

Bella thought with a smirk before shay-shaying away passing a furious Dr. Cullen who was going back empty handed to Calista's bedside. Carlisle paused as he watched a smug Bella leave the area, he frowned as concern for his future pet compelled him back to Calista's side.

When Carlisle appeared all his kids looked up in concern "Where's Charlie? And why does the hallway smell like rotten strawberries and spoiled milk?" Jasper asked making Edward develop a nauseous look "Isabella...." "May have eavesdropped on your conversation" Carlisle finished.

The Cullens each exchanged as they came to the grave conclusion that Bella Swan was a problem.....










And she had to go.

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