Chapter 05: Edward's disappearance and Bella's anger

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Calista's POV
It's been a week since Edward disappeared after that incident in biology class.

For the entire week Bella has been angry and has either spent time with her new friends Mike, Eric, Lauren, and Jessica or harassed the remaining Cullens on their missing ginger haired brother's whereabouts.

She, along with her two new girlfriends have been blaming me and calling me names and spreading rumors about me around school. Thankfully, my new friend, Angela is there to support me.

The only remaining problems that remain are Mike leers and the Cullens strange behavior towards me.

They constantly try to corner me and talk to me which pisses Bella off more and makes her hurt me when we get home.

{Second day of school}
I sit atop a picnic table, an open book in my lap nestled between my crossed legs as Angela sits beside me with her legs dangling over the edge. She talks about the brothers in the book Damon and Stefan and how she prefers Caroline to Elena.

I listen as best as I can as I try to ignore my sister and her friends not so subtly gossip about me. The three girls point in laugh as they talk about my unkempt appearance due to the fact that I shop at the thrift store with my very little money.

I notice that Bella's eyes occasionally drift over to the arriving kids, and the parking lot as they pull in. She's waiting for Edward. I know that she plans to confront him on his abnormal behavior where he willingly chose to move and sit next to the stupid and ugly sister (me) instead of sitting next to the smart and beautiful sister (her).

If I'm being honest, I'm curious as well, no one's ever chosen me over Bella before. Did he do it out of pity? Just to be nice? Or.....did he really prefer me to Bella.

I shook my head and turned to notice Mike, Tyler, and Eric kick around a soccerball nearby. They wave to the girls to join them, and while Jessica and Lauren happily agree, Bella declines.... and returns to watching for Edward.

He doesn't show up, instead his siblings pull into the parking lot and climb out of the cars. They pass Bella who tries to get their attention as they make a beeline towards Angela and I.

"Hi! You didn't let us introduce ourselves yesterday! I'm Alice, and this is my boyfriend Jasper and my foster siblings Rosalie and Emmett. You're Calista Swan, right?" The bubbly pixie girl asks me as I gape at them like a fish out of water unsure of what to say or do as these strangers crowd me like I'm a display at a museum.

Thankfully I'm saved by the bell, both literally and figuratively speaking as the school bell rings and Angela grabs my hand and says "Yes she is! But if you'll excuse us, we have to get to class!" And the two of us scurry away leaving behind four disappointed teens and a seriously pissed Bella.

{That night}
I arrived home only to be yanked down to the floor with a pair of hands wrapped around my throat, cutting off my air supply.

"Listen here you little bitch! The Cullens and Edward are mine! So stay away from them you home wrecking tramp!" She says from on top of me as I try desperately to pry her fingers off of my neck and wheeze out an answer.

She throws herself off of me as I gasp for air and stomps away.

{Day 3}
Bella strides into biology class wearing one of her good outfits but stops, surprised to find her lab table empty.

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