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Fatima walked in to her mother's house just as her mother walked toward the door.

"Sometimes I forget that you have a key" her mother said as they embrace eachother in a hug

"That's because you're always meeting me at the door before I can open it." Fatima says placing her purse down on the table by the door

"How did the showing go?" Her mother asked

"It was good actually I think they may go with it but we'll see. I do have other properties available and there's ones being worked on now" Fatima says and her mother nodded

"What y'all do today? Where is the little old man?" Fatima ask and her mother chuckled

"He's exactly where he was at in that picture." She says and they walk toward the living room. When they walking into the living room, Mason was drinking out of his sippy cup with his hand in a bag of chips.

"Don't ask me how he got the chips because I have no clue" her mother says laughing

"Masi" Fatima called out to him and he ignored her

"He hears you, he thinks he's funny" her mother says

"I know he does, he does that to his dad all the time until he throws him up in the air" Fatima says

"Mason your mommy is here" Her mother says and Fatima could see Mason smirking as he kept his attention on the tv.

"Little boy what are you doing" Fatima say tapping his leg on the couch and he moved it, giggling.

"Come on Masi, so we can give Mimi a break." Fatima says as Mason shook his head putting more chips in his mouth.

"Here mom" Fatima says grabbing the bag of chips and handing them to her mom to take away

"Give me!" He says

"Now why would you shove all those chips in your mouth Mason" she says as he got down from the her and ran.

"Stop!" He yelled out laughing as Fatima tried to catch up to him

"Mason I don't want to chase you, I don't know why you do this running thing. "Fatima says letting him run from her around

"You know Messiah use to do all that running" her mother said

"And still does" Fatima says "Mason can you come on please mommy wants to go home" she says

"Oh I meant to say y'all are doing good potty training him. He did good today go-

Her words were cut but the loud scream of Mason and the sound of something breaking which made the two instantly bolt to him. He was rising from the floor crying his eyes out in his grandfather's office. His hand immediately covered his mouth. He ran to Fatima as she kneeled down to attend to him.

"What happened Mason?!" She says as she checked him out

"Did he hit his mouth?" Her mother ask as Mason tightly held his hand at his mouth refused to put it down when Fatima

"Mason you have to calm down and let mommy see" she says as she picked him up while his face was flushed red with tears and his continuous holler.

She sat him on the counter and was able to pull his hand down to check him out

"Dammit" she says as she noticed the blood in his mouth

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