Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

He had followed her all the way to OCD, then hurried to register his weapons and get to the inn, where he'd reserved two interlocking rooms for them, and now he waited for her arrival.

The Red Regiment Inn was his favorite in Refuge, the best of the city's many all-indoor inns. It was comfortable and quiet, and they didn't mind old school noblemen and star-watchers like himself. The proprietor, Kelvin Cash, was trustworthy and discreet, and he knew everything that was going on in the city, somehow without becoming involved in any of the drama and intrigues himself. Kelvin's wife, Ruth, was a fine cook, and she knew better than to invite Adam to any communal meals, always bringing him his dinners in his regular room.

Adam leaned against the wall outside the inn doors, scanning the crowd for any sign of Brynne. He spied several red-headed women, all in town to compete for the title of Oracle, of course, but for a long while, none of them were Brynne.

She finally arrived, later than he thought she should, looking strangely pale. Her green eyes were wide, as if she had just been startled by something. She walked right up to him, stared at him, and said nothing.

Adam frowned. "Well? Are you alright? Did someone threaten you?"

"No..." She licked her lips. "Not exactly."

"What is it? Did someone follow you? Was it that big guy from the entry hall?"

"No." She shook her head, studying his face closely.

Her scrutiny made him feel uncomfortable. "What?"

"Adam, do you really think I'm the Oracle?"

His frown deepened. "Of course. Do you doubt my word?"
"How did you know?" She lowered her voice. "How do you know if I don't even know?"

Adam was quiet for a moment, mulling things over in his head, putting together pieces of her story, things she had said, the way she had said them.

"You really didn't come here to be Oracle, did you?"

She shook her head.

"That, in itself, is evidence, isn't it?" he pointed out. "Fate, destiny, God drew you here to take your rightful place and do your rightful duty. You are here to answer a sacred calling. I knew it as soon as I saw you. You're exactly what I've been waiting for."

"There are lots of red-haired people here. They all look a little like me, a little like Elias."

"But you're the only you." He moved closer to her, placing a protective hand against her back. His eyes scanned the crowds filing through Refuge's halls. "We should probably move this conversation to our rooms. This city is full of corruption."

Brynne stared at him for a moment, then nodded. "Alright. You got us rooms?"

"Yes. Side by side. I hope you don't mind."

She shook her head. "No. Thank you."

"Come on." He took her by the arm and led her into the Red Regiment Inn which was, as its name suggested, decorated in red velvet and ancient military artifacts, including a sword that resembled the one he currently had strapped to his hip. He waved to Kelvin, who waved back from behind the counter, and led Brynne to the iron cage elevator at the far end of the lobby.

"This place is... rather fancy," Brynne remarked as he pressed the button for the third floor. "I guess not to a nobleman like you, but to me..."

"It's fine." Adam shrugged. "One of the few places you can visit any more that isn't run by corrupt backstabbers."

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