"They probably won't. This is still within the palace."

One of the more elderly members spoke: "They've fought in the palace before! One time...."

This person started recounting history.

Although the Zhenguo Duke's eyes were larger than the high official's, there was a saying that smaller eyes could glare more intensely. He couldn't overcome him in the end, and relaxed his expression. He snorted: "Family affairs."

Fine, this could count as an explanation.

One becomes more immature as one ages. The high official was mighty in front of others, mighty in front of his family. Only in front of his old friend would he reveal some other expressions.

One would encounter all sorts of situations in one's lifetime. For people like them, outside matters were never an issue. Only family affairs could give them a headache.

Thinking of his own useless son back home, the high official's teeth hurt in sympathy. "Alright, don't take my words to heart. Give me a shout if you need anything. Your son-in-law has reached out to Assistant Minister Chen. Assistant Minister Chen brought it up briefly to me but I ignored him. At that time I was thinking, shouldn't he be asking you, his father-in-law?"

The Zhenguo Duke's expression was a little mocking, but he suppressed it.

The high official continued to chatter. "You never change, old fellow. Are you trying to get him to beg you? Is there a point to playing around like this...."

The Zhenguo Duke ignored him. He patted his shoulder and walked off with large strides. He was very strong, and the high official's frail shoulder shook at being patted by him, and it almost shattered. The group of people watching on one side were terrified the two would come to blows. On the other side, the high official cursed in his heart: Screw you, did you think this was still back in the day? This daddy is already old, and cannot withstand a pat from a brute like you.

Afterwards, he leaped up with an agility that didn't suit his age and pointed at the Zhenguo Duke's back. "You old brute, just wait and see!"

Everyone wiped their brows. Luckily, they didn't come to blows! These two were so old, but were still so "mischievous"!


Yan Zhi wasn't in the estate. When the servants found him, he was out drinking with his friends, and was completely wasted.

When the servant mentioned that the old madam called him back for a matter in the estate, he didn't dare delay and hastened back.

He was still tipsy and his mind was a little blurry. When he entered the Rongan Hall and saw the old madam's gloomy face, he suddenly trembled and his drunkenness vanished.

He cursed himself for not going back to his room to tidy himself up before coming, worried his principal mother would be displeased by the smell of alcohol. However, he maintained a smile and sidled over, greeting her and Yan Ting respectfully.

"Mom, what do you need from your son?" Yan Zhi stood by the old madam's side and asked. This was quite an intimate distance. Yan Zhi's attitude had always been this way.

He treated the old madam very intimately, as though she were his biological mother. However, he also maintained his etiquette, and was never jealous at being treated differently than old two or old three.
This discrepancy in his behavior wasn't easy to grasp. Up until now Yan Zhi had done very well despite appearing to be a hedonistic young master who idles about daily.

The old madam's gloomy face softened a little. However, she recalled that this was about her own son's important matter. Yan Ting was more important in her heart in the end, and thus her anger won out once more.

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