"I haven't got anything to do. You want to go set something on fire or something?"

"No way, dude, fuck that. Let's go to Raisins!"

Man, Kyle was dead-on. Still. Taking a trip to Raisins with Kenny. That sounded nice and heterosexual. But...

"Isn't the Nation Against Gluttony protesting that restaurant today? Dude, I don't want to try and sneak past a picket line."

"No, man, that makes it even better. The place will be empty and we'll get the hottest waitresses all to ourselves."

Stan hesitated, then relented. "Okay, sure."

"Great," Kenny said. "You're paying."

"What! Why don't you pay?"

"Dude, do we seriously have to go over that?"

Stan blew out irritably. "Fine. I'll meet you there."

Raisins had sort of grown up with the rest of the town. The waitresses had just never left, and the customers had just never changed. Kenny proclaimed, with great relish, that the girls even still wore the same outfits they had when they were in elementary school. It was the perfect sort of place for a group of guys to hang out at.

When he arrived, however, he saw Kenny had dragged some chick along with him.

"Dude, what are you doing bringing a girl here?" he asked, frowning.

Kenny shrugged. "She practically begged to come."

"She... why? What sort of date wants to come to a place like this?"

"Ugh, man, don't be gross." Stan gave him a confused look, and Kenny elaborated: "She's my baby sister. I do a lot of stuff but I don't do that. As for why she wanted to come along..." he shrugged again. "I admit, I had my suspicions when I caught her looking through my Playboys."

Stan stared at him a moment, then he glanced back at his little sister. She was ignoring them, however, and staring shamelessly at the waitresses.

"Hi!" a bubbly voice said, walking up and grabbing a few menus. "Three? This way," she sing-songed, leading them to a table. Stan looked around at the waitresses, making sure to note their varying levels of attractiveness and mentally reassured himself like he liked girls. Because he did. Even if the entire town thought he didn't. It wasn't like this was the first time he was the only one in town thinking rationally. Actually, that happened a lot.

"Hi boys." A waitress appeared, a smile plastered to her face. "I'm Ferrari and I'll be your waitress. How are you all today?" she trilled. Stan winced a little. Her voice was amazingly grating.

"A lot better now," Kenny grinned back, and she gave this high-pitched giggle.

"What can I get you guys?"

"A large fun fries, three chili dogs, a hamburger, onion rings, and a pitcher of cola," Kenny rattled off. Stan gaped at him.

"Dude. Just because I'm paying..."

"Oh come on. I didn't get any breakfast and I'm probably not going to get any dinner. If I die of starvation, do you really want that hanging over your head?"

"I've been either directly or indirectly responsible for a least a hundredth of your deaths," Stan shot back. "You can't guilt trip me."

"Maybe not," Kenny relented. "But I can make you pay. What do you want?" he asked his little sister, who finally tore her gaze away from Ferrari's chest.

"Taco," she said shortly, and then gave her brother a shit-eating grin.

Kenny shook his head a little and told Ferrari, "Just get her more of the same. Stan?"

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