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"Okay the plan is today's yotu's birthday and it'll give us an excuse to have you stay here for a night",anna
"That sounds good",inez
"Are your parents good with this",ana
"Uhm yeah my dad really doesn't care and I've already told my sister"inez
"That's great should we start?", yotu
________THAT NIGHT_______
"So, here's the plan," Anna explained. "Inez is going to uncles room to distract him and we can easily get an access to parents room that way"
"And why do we need to get into Uncle's room?" Yotu asked, confused. Anna had a reason, but she would share that information later. For now, she focused on the task at hand.
The siblings had set their plan in motion.
"You remember that Uncle and Aunt drink milk before sleeping, right?" Anna said.
"Yeah, and what's so new about that?" Yotu asked, confused. Anna had something in her hand, and she held it up. It was a mysterious packet filled with a white powder.
"Wait...what?" Yotu's eyes widened and his mind went to several potential explanations for the white powder in Anna's hand. But before he could ask any questions, Anna answered his confusion.
"This is chloroform," she said calmly. "It should help us to get access to the room.""Ugh, I hope we don't end up in trouble," Yotu said with a nervous chuckle. He looked concerned but also intrigued by Anna's plan.
"It will be fine," Anna replied with a soothing tone. "Just trust me."
"And once we get the uncle out of the way for tonight," Yotu said. "What about the guards outside Mom and Dad's room?"
Anna and Inez exchanged a wary glance at the mention of the guards outside their parents' room. They hadn't anticipated this issue. But they also knew that it was a necessary risk if they were to uncover the truth behind the disappearance.
"We'll handle that part later," Anna replied. "First, we need to take care of the uncle."
"Well...sounds criminally addictive," Inez added, his voice dripping with anticipation and excitement.
The siblings had a plan to uncover the truth about their parents' disappearance. But would it work? Who knew?
INEZ had now reached the uncle's room, and their mission had officially begun.
"Uh...excuse me," Inez said as he knocked on Uncle's door.
"Please open the door. It's an emergency!"
Uncle emerged from the shadows, looking confused and wary. "Yes?" he asked, his voice suspicious.
Inez was quick on his feet, keeping Uncle distracted. Meanwhile, Anna and Yotu snuck into Uncle's servant room, which was right beside Uncle's bedroom. They could hear Inez's voice, seemingly successfully talking to Uncle.
"That's Bex," Anna said, gesturing toward Uncle's servant. "He'll help us with our mission." She turned her attention back to Bex. "How did you get him to trust us?"
Bex shrugged and smiled casually. " speaks," he replied, his tone matter of fact.
"Is the milk ready?" Anna asked, eager to get on with the mission.
"Yeah, as you said, the right amount of powder was added to both the glasses,"
Bex replied, giving Anna a nod of confirmation.
"You can take this to his room," Anna ordered Bex, eager to proceed with their plan.
As Inez watched Bex head towards Uncle's room with the milk, he knew that the moment of truth was drawing near. Inez wrapped up his conversation with Uncle, asking if he could show him the bathroom before giving a quick wave.
The siblings could barely contain their excitement. Everything was falling into place smoothly. The trio was now in front of their parents' room, the moment of truth finally arriving after all the planning and preparation.
"Okay," Yotu said.
"I've got my men. They'll take care of the security. We should go when we receive the call."
Anna and Inez nodded.
Suddenly, a loud ringing broke the tense silence. Yotu and Anna looked at each other before glancing back at Inez. The siblings held their breaths, waiting for Inez to answer the call.
Seconds later, Inez sighed and answered the call. "Hello?"
he asked, sounding a bit relieved.
After a few quiet moments, Inez hung up the phone and turned to the siblings. "They're here," he said quietly.They were now in their parents room along with inez.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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