𝟙𝟙 || let be cheaters

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Area dropped off at Hyunjin's place for a quick visit because her casting set is near the neighborhood he lives at.

Aera:“Hyunjin, Jina had called and said that Felix wanted to meet up with you again”

Hyunjin who was watching the TV in a sleeping position while eating his favorite snacks, sat up apon hearing Felix's name.

Hyunjin:“really?! What did he say?”

He dashed towards Aera who was making him a sandwich, he then grabbed her by her shoulders which made her get confused.

Aera:“Felix was actually busy with his job and couldn't find time for you, so he wanted to meet up and apologize”

Hyunjin got very glad and happy because Felix wanted to see him after a couple of months.

Hyunjin(smiling):“ohhh, I see”

Aera saw how Hyunjin is smiling like an idiot, a smile she doesn't recognize.

She is happy seeing her boyfriend finally having friends rather than being an outcast.

Aera:“like seriously...what's wrong with you two? Why are you playing around the bush?”

Hyunjin had the urge to hug Aera so he did.

Hyunjin:“it complicated but I'll tell you one day”

He then left a kiss on her cheeks and went back to watch the TV, looking forward to seeing Felix again.




On the other hand, Jina got a call from Aera telling her that Hyunjin wanted to meet Felix as soon as possible.

Jina:“Aera called, Hyunjin is looking for a day where you are free so both of you can meet up”

Hyunjin is rushing to meet him again, actually made Felix feel fuzzy in the inside.

Felix(smiling):“ohhh I see”

Jina feeds him a green grape while she was watching her Drama on the TV and Felix was on his laptop doing his work.

Jina:“why did you change your mind? You said he wasn't the type of friend you like”

Jina brought up the saying of Felix months where both boys were still getting to know each other.

Felix:“I don't know, I miss him and his dumb lips”

Unlike Aera who's careless, Jina has actually started getting more and more suspicious of Felix and Hyunjin.


Woops, Felix said that intentionally.

Felix(chuckle):“he's so cute when he says dumb things, don't you agree?”

He immediately fixed his mistake.

Because he meant the kiss that he shared with Hyunjin and not something else.

Jina:“ahhhh...that's what you meant? It's true, Hyunjin is really funny when he says bulls*it that does not make any sense”

Felix:“there's a lot to talk about but I need to finish correcting this exams papers”

Jina nodded and pecked his lips then went back watching her drama.

[Time Skip]

It was their 4th time at the restaurant.

Felix came early and unexpectedly, he found Hyunjin was already there.

He took a deep breath then walked towards him.


The swimmer greets shortly with a smile on his face, Hyunjin again was wearing expensive clothes and wearing makeup.

Felix wonder how would Hyunjin look like if he didn't dress up or wear makeup.


He greets back then sat in front of Hyunjin.

Hyunjin:“why did you decide to stop meeting up with me?”

He asked, Hyunjin blamed himself for making Felix kiss him with so much pressure.

He thought he would never see the youngest ever again because of the mistake he made but hopefully Felix is here and he would explain to Hyunjin the reason why he was ignoring him all these months.

Felix:“I just—after we kissed, I never felt guilty toward Jina and I give it a time thinking maybe someday that guilty feeling would come around but...”

He couldn't complete his sentence, he found it very weird when someone you were with for two years yet you don't feel guilty about cheating on them.

So Hyunjin was able to complete his sentence.

Hyunjin:“you didn't feel guilty and that made you rethink your relationship with Jina”

Felix thought of two reasons why he didn't feel guilty...

the first one which was him falling out of love or the second one which was him never falling in love from the first place.

Felix:“yes...how did you know?”

He was impressed that Hyunjin knew what he was thinking or wanting to say.

Hyunjin:“I've been in your shoes before”

Hyunjin once dated this girl in high school where he thought he was madly in love but when he found out she was cheating on him with another guy. He didn't feel betrayed or mad and that made him rethink his relationship with that girl and to the conclusion he came up with...

it was only superficial.

Felix:“so what's now?”

Hyunjin hand finds its way to Felix's Hand that was on the table, he held it and crossed their fingers.

Felix's fingers were tiny compared to Hyunjin's long ass fingers.

Hyunjin:“i don't mind breaking up with Aera, I dated her only for money”

He wanted to start something new with the teacher, so he wanted to hear his thoughts as well and not force him.

Felix:“I don't think I'm ready to tell Jina I was seeing someone else behind her back and I want to spend more time with you”

Felix being selfish and a coward...

he wasn't able to choose what to do.

He was afraid of breaking Jina's heart but at the same time his love hormones couldn't stop functioning because his mind was filled with Hyunjin.

Hyunjin:“then how about we make it official after we broke up with them?”

Hyunjin suggests trying to understand Felix's situation of not breaking up with Jina.

The only solution is to cheat on them.

Felix:“we will keep dating behind their backs until we break up with them?”

Felix never cheated on anyone before and he's afraid of getting caught by his girlfriend someday.

Hyunjin:“of course, that's what cheaters do”

But it wasn't Hyunjin's first time.

There's no doubt they will get caught soon because Hyunjin was bad at cheating.

Felix:“what a mess, Jina deserves a better person than me”

Hyunjin:“so does Aera...she's too good for me and I hate that I'm using her”

But when that happened, they would break up with them.

(𝔸̀ 𝕤𝕦𝕚𝕧𝕣𝕖)

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