Part 16 - The Switch

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Her voice sounded with determination, a smirk planted on her lips, Peter mirroring that smirk. He got up, helping her up as well. As they were about to take a step in the direction the three mothers went, Pan stopped, his attention somewhere else.

"What's wrong?"

"They're about to leave. We need to hurry."

"But how are we gonna make it in time? You're weakened."

"You. Use what I taught you. Use Neverland's magic, bend it to your will."

She took a deep breath in, closing her eyes. Her hand in his, she imagined herself where Henry was. She didn't exactly know where he was but all she had to do was think about him and hopefully she'd be there.

Just as she expected, they both disappeared in a puff of red smoke, reappearing behind Henry. As they watched Henry get comfortable on the bed he was on, Peter gestured for Y/n to hide in the shadows. She obeyed, being careful and quiet as she did so.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this, Henry," Henry's attention now on Pan, he unsheathed his blade.

"What? What are you doing?"

"I wanted your heart, Henry. But your mother took it away from me. Left me for dead. Her mistake."

Pan's blade still pointed at Henry, he reached for his heart. A golden glow emitted from his chest before zapping Pan, an energy pulse shooting through his veins. Peter took a few steps back, looking at his hand.

"Oh, how clever," was all Pan said before he reached towards Henry again, this time ripping out his shadow.

"What are you doing?" Henry cried out in pain, his shadow slightly out of his body. Before Pan could rip out Henry's shadow any further, Rumple's voice sounded in the room.

"Blood magic works both ways, father."

Y/n's eyes went wide in fear as she saw red smoke coming from the box that was now in Rumple's possession.

"No!" Pan yelled out before being pulled away, sucked into Pandora's box.

Y/n covered her mouth tightly with both hands, trying not to make any noise while also trying to stay calm and not cry.

"Henry! Henry!" Regina's voice could be heard as she descended from the small flight of stairs that led to the room below the ship. "Oh, Henry."

"It's okay, I'm okay," Henry breathed out, gasping for air.

"You can come out now, Ms. L/N," Rumple ordered, turning to where Y/n was hiding in the shadows. She mentally cursed herself as she walked out, revealing herself to the three in the room. 

"Wait- you're the same girl that was with Pan," Regina thought aloud, putting the pieces together. "Who are you?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," Y/n scoffed.

"Her name is Y/n," Rumple answered for Regina.

"How the hell do you know that?" Y/n asked him.

"That doesn't matter. What does is that you helped Pan. We can't have you walking free, now can we?"

In an instant, her hands were bonded by a rope. She rolled her eyes and scoffed, looking at her tied hands in front of her.

Regina scowled at young woman, already hating her just because she was helping Pan. She grabbed her by the arm, yanking her towards the short flight of stairs.

"Go," she ordered.

Y/n just rolled her eyes, following Regina's orders. It was difficult with her hands tied but she tried nonetheless, making it safely up to the deck of the ship.

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