Arc 1 chapter 3 Varric and an offer

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Kirkwall, gallows
Third person POV

Adwen is currently at the gallows filling out a report while he converses with Lance

Adwen: Your not serious!

Lance: I am! Knight commander Meredith was clashing with the first enchanter after she imprisoned two mages for minor offenses and turned one tranquil.

Adwen: Well then, maybe we should've stayed in Ferelden, knight commander Greagoir wasn't like this at least.

Lance: What do you think of the qunari?

Adwen: Well there big and intimidating and would suck if we had to fight them.

Lance: That would suck.

Adwen finishes the report and gives it to Lance

Adwen: Here take this to the knight commander's office.

Lance: Why me!?!

Adwen: Because every time we walk or pass through hightown you want to go to the blooming rose.

Lance: (groans) Finnneee!

Lance leaves with the report, while Adwen goes to his quarters and sees a letter on the writing desk that is for him. Adwen picks up the letter and opens it it reads:

Dear knight corporal Adwen

Meet me in the opulent suite at the hanged man

Sincerely someone who has taken interest in you

Adwen is a bit suspicious at this letter, but decides to go to the hanged man land find out who the sender is

Kirkwall, lowtown- the hanged man

Adwen has just entered the hanged man, he asks the innkeeper where suite is

Adwen: (to the innkeeper) Where is the opulent suite?

Innkeeper: (points) Down there last one on the left.

Adwen proceeds to the given location and enters the opulent suite, inside he sees a dwarf with blonde hair and fancy red clothes

Varric: Ah! You've arrived!

Adwen: Who are you?

Varric: I am Varric of the merchants guild and brother to bartrand, you may have heard of him?

Adwen: Yes actually, and why did you send me that letter?

Varric: Well first take a seat

Adwen and Varric take a seat

Varric: Well Adwen the reason why I have called you here, is that I wanted to get to know you.

Adwen: (perplexed) why???

Varric: Well you encountered my friend Hawke when he was at the blooming rose a couple of days ago, and the coin you gave him helped with a expedition me and my brother are planning. It lead me to dig up as much information on you, and what I found fascinated very much. You fought in the battle of Denerim during the fifth blight.

Adwen: And you were fascinated by this how?

Varric: Well here's the deal, this expedition is into the deep roads which is filled with darkspawn. And you have experience fighting darkspawn, I was wondering if you would be interested to join the expedition.

Adwen: What's in it for me? and what about my commanding officers?

Varric: Well, I can pull some string to get you leave from the order and the earnings from this expedition is worth lots of money. Which you can use maybe get a house in hightown, it would be an improvement compared to knight commander Meredith's strict effect on your living quarters. Also, I should note your friend Lance is in on the expedition.

Adwen: (shocked) What! How did he even-

Varric: He convinced me to let him come when he found out I was Bartrand's brother when he was at the hanged man, after he noted you had experience fighting darkspawn and mentioned you. Anyway what do you say?

Adwen: Well I don't like the deep roads and despise it but fine, however let me note I am only doing this for the earnings, but what about my commanding officers if I bought a house with the earnings?

Varric: Let me handle it, and since you mentioned it, maybe you can sometime tell me why you despise the deep roads

A waitress comes in with drinks and sets them on the table

Varric: (picks up a drink) Cheer's!

Adwen: (picks up a drink as well) cheers!

Both Varric and Adwen drink their drinks in a toast to their partnership and friendship

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