☼ glitter glue ☼ XVII.

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i cant hurt you on purpose

my heart was once stolen.

a man came along, snatched it from my ribs and ran with it.

its empty place rotting inside me, decomposing by the second. i cleaned it out to make room for a new one but no new one ever came.

but one day you arrived and decided to loan me yours. i didnt understand why but i was more then grateful.

i may have dropped it a few times, scuffed it and bruised it but anytime i did i would kiss it better and repair it as best i could, with plasters and glitter glue because i could see it was ripped from you once too.

i dont know who did, but it doesnt matter because now i hold the privilage of sharing it with you and i refuse to steal it or damage it beyond repair.

im a clumsy girl, its inevitable that itll be hurt a few times, but im creative and determined and will fix it back up with kisses and plasters and glitter glue as many times as i need to before one day i learn how to be more careful.

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