Estrella bent down retrieving 4 pictures all depicting a happy moment of her past life with friends, family and her cousins and her father was right - she did look beautiful. Life was easier then, albeit 2 of these pictures were taken a couple of months ago. Everything was normal, everything was the same. I better save these to show Harry...and the others She thought, tucking them in the envelope before making her way out of the dungeons and to the Great Hall.

"Ella!" She heard her name being called. Looking up she saw all her friends congregating on the Gryffindor table, Inaya waving at her to come and join them. As soon as she was in arms reach, Inaya jumped up, throwing her arms around her.

"Bloody hell Inaya, let the girl breathe," Ron exclaimed, grabbing her by the waist to pry her off Estrella.

"Sorry," She winced. "I just missed you that's all."

"No it's okay," Estrella smiled, "I didn't talk to you much yesterday and it feels like were never together."

"How do you feel?" Inaya asked her tentatively, making space between her and Ron to allow her to sit down. Estrella looked around at her friend's faces and sighed.

"I'm just embarrassed," She started. "I haven't always been the best at defensive magic but the last time I faced a Boggart it turned into a large tiger but this one," Her eyes flickered to Harry who was looking down at his hands, "Seeing myself dead, knowing that-"

"Third Years you have 5 minutes to meet me in the courtyard with your permission slips, if you haven't got it signed or you're late then you won't be going," Filch shouted the best he could, standing at the entrance of the Great Hall. "I don't make the rules!"

"You guys better get going, I don't want to make you late."

"What do you mean? You aren't coming?"

"My father thinks I'd be better off studying so he hasn't signed the permission slip and before you ask, no my mother can't because she would rather not get into an argument with my father about my education."

"Well you need to stop leaving us in the dark," Kiana stated as the group walked out of the Great Hall to the courtyard. "Something is going on that both you and Harry won't tell us and I'm sick of all the secrets."

"We're all friends for a reason," Hermione looked between all of their faces. "We have to be able to trust each other with all kinds of things or what is the point."

"You're right Hermione," Harry sighed, as he fished out a crumpled, unsigned permission slip from his pocket. "Once you're all back and we get the chance, we'll tell you everything."


"Butterfly come on, you know we can't hide this for much longer...they deserve to know."

Estrella stared at him for a few moments, "Fine. But we do it when I'm ready and we do it together."

Harry nodded, looking back at his friends with a promise before darting after Professor McGonagall. "Remember these visits to Hogsmeade visit are a privilege. Should your behaviour reflect poorly on the school, in any way, that privilege will not be extended again."

She glanced her eyes at Harry who held his permission slip in his hand, "No signed permission slip, no visiting the village. That's the rule, Potter." She cut past him to lead the rest of the year group towards the exit grounds.

Harry slipped in front of her, "Professor I thought if you signed it then I could go."

"I can't, only a parent or guardian can sign. Since I am neither it would be inappropriate."

"Professor! You know I am disadvantaged on both those accounts, please! It'll be a good charity if you help an orphan."

McGonagall eyes narrowed, "Potter my word is final. I'm sorry but I'm sure Miss Consuelas can keep you company."

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