"What the fvck are you talking about? And sorry to say this but I have a boyfriend and I love him so please stay away from me and let go of my hands or else I'll call the police!" My body trembles with anger and frustration. How can he say that? He cheated on me! He can't do that!!! I'm his soulmate! No one is allowed to be his and my boyfriend. I can't believe this! He betrayed me!

YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!!!!! NO NO NO NO NO! YOU HAVE TO GO WITH ME!" no no no no no everything goes wrong this is not supposed to happen. I grabbed his arms tight and was about to take him but he struggles and shouted, I was startled at his actions, I was confused, why would he do that? WHY?!!.

"LET GO OF ME YOU PSYCHO! HELP!" He started shouting. Then suddenly people is coming out way, separating us. A man was standing between me and haru, he's shielding me from him! More people is now looking at us and some was calling the police. I looked around and it seems that everything is in slow mo, I felt scared. I looked at haru asking for help but when he looked at me he flinch. He flinched at me?.

"Calm down love I'm just taking you home" I said while I walking towards haru but then the man walked forward to stopped me. "Please stay away from him sir" I stumbled. "No no no it's a misunderstanding I'm his lover and we're having a little argument so stop minding our business!" I shouted but then "what the hell are you talking about! I'm not your lover and I don't know you! stay away from me!" His words is like a sharp arrow piercing my heart, it hurts it hurts it hurts. I don't like this.

"no look! I'm your soulmate and we are destined to be together!" I shouted back.

"You're crazy! Someone please call the police! Some crazy man is harassing me!" I stepped back at his words, his last sentence broke me. How can he say that to his soulmate? He is breaking our relationship.

Murmures filled the area, I hear a lady talking to the phone and I hear some of the conversation. "A crazy man is harassing a waiter here in lucky cafe****" I didn't hear the rest of the conversation as I froze, I knew what would happen next if the police caught me! I will be put to the jail and I will not be able to see him!. So I ran as if my life depends on it.

I got in my car panting and quickly turned on, I drive as fast as I can and when I'm sure I'm in the isolated area I stopped.

Thoughts are running through my head like a storm dangerous and deadly. Voices all over his head. He holds his both ears as voice is getting louder and louder and all of it says that. 'He will leave you' 'he doesn't love you' 'everyone will take him away' 'you'll not going to see him' 'he is scared of you' 'he said you are a monster ' 'it's your fault' 'monster' 'monster''he's gone forever ' 'he's gonna forever'. terrible voices keep haunting him.

There a man in the car shouting and pulling his hair like crazy, murmuring words that is terrible to be heard. The man got out of the car and there he keeps walking back and forth murmuring, shouting like crazy. His eyes is bulging and red, his face is full of scratches and blood, his lips didn't stop moving, saying something. Then sometimes he laugh but then cried.

All of his thoughts is about is haru.

No no no no no. This can't be happening! Everything is ruined! Haru is angry at me, he said he doesn't love me! How can this be?? We are meant to be how can he doesn't love me! There must be a misunderstanding he didn't mean to say that. Yes that must be it! All of them is just an illusion! My haru definitely say yes to me but then people started gathering and trying to separate us.

The man look up. But this time he calmed down but there's something weird about him.

Haru's pov

The police is here because of that incident. Questioning any details about the harassment. And since the suspect escape the police didn't do much aside from questioning other witnesses. They say it's because the man didn't do any physical damage. How fuck up the system was?!.

Fuck this day couldn't be any worst! First Kyle is missing and it's been a month but police still doesn't have any findings. I cried as I think that Kyle could be in any danger and we don't even know. And now this ugly man is harassing me and I kinda recognised him last time and he also harassed me, thankfully Kyle is there. Wait the last time I saw Kyle is when that man harassed me and now he harassed me again, but he is bolder now compared before.., is that mean that?

I immediately called the police investigator and told him everything that I discovered. He said he will investigate further and he also assigned private secret guards to protect me because we conclude that the suspect of Kyle's disappearance and mines stalker is one and we think that the man harassing me earlier is him.


"So you're telling me that I will the bait? Are you fvcking kidding me? You want me to go to him? Fvck you! I'm not going to do that!" I shouted this is ridiculous if I'm in danger it would be this fvckers fault.
"Sir listen this would be the only way to arrest him and the only way we could get get any clues because as of now we still didn't get any evidence, and don't worry sir we will do precautions. I will put a tracking device and will monitor you sir" I stay quiet as he said that we'll be able to save Kyle.

"Fine I'll do it"

"Good so here's the plan" we continued to discuss our plan secretly, currently we're in the police house.

Little did they know all of their discussions is already heard by a specific someone.

(A/N: hello everyone I know that all of you probably wondering why I didn't update well it's because I'm lazy lol. Anyways I think we'll be able to finish this story because I already have my ending so goodluck hehehe anyways that's all byeee)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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