Maze runner imagine - Frenemies

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Reader x Gally:
You have to go to the builders. First gally doesn't like you, cause he thinks you're weak and clumsy, but then you help him as he gets hurt and he beggins to like you.


"Okaaaaay! Perfect day, sun is shining, as always, and I'm ready to work!" You stretched your limbs and had the biggest smile on your face.

* * *

"What?!" The hapiness you were feeling earlier vanished and your shoulders dropped when Alby told you that today you were suppose to work with the builders, which Gally was the keeper.
"But why Alby? Why do I have to work with Gally? You know he's always a pain in my ass when I'm next to him." You rolled your eyes.
"I. DON'T. CARE (y/n)! You're a glader so start behaving like one. You're suppose to work with the builders so go to work, the sun has long risen."
"Fine!" You pouted and left with your arms folded over your chest.
All of the sudden Alby puts a hand on your shoulder "Go easy on Gally. You know he can be a shank sometimes." He said in a whisper

* * *

"Go store these pieces of wood on the shack! And don't fall on your feet." Gally said while pushing them against you. You can barely see your feet over so many wood. You frowned, looking at Gally and when he turned away from you, you showed your tongue in a mocking way.

"Goddamnit, working as a builder is soooo hard! Even harder when being bossed around by Gally. " you thought.

The shack was a small building in the glade, next to the homestead, where the gladers stored their tools and working supplies. The door was made of steel and sometimes would get stuck and wouldn't open.

With your arms occupied with the logs your tried opening the door with your booty giving a gentle push with your waist but the door didn't move. You pushed it again this time a little harder, still, no movement from the door. You tried pushing it with your upper harm but it was worthless. You let go of the wood and cleaned the sweat from your forehead. You placed your hand on your waist and sighed "I give up." And made your way back to Gally before he freaked out on you.

* * *

"I couldn't open the door! It was stuck!" You explained to Gally.
"What?! Stuck? I knew I shouldn't let you go there, weak like you are, of course your wouldn't be able to open one simples door!" He screamed. "Why did the creators send us a shuck girl anyway?" He whispered, but was loud enough for you to hear it and feel hurt.

"Whatever. Go and take those nails so we can work on the roof of the homestead, it needs to be done before nightfall" he pointed to a little box of nails on the table.

You walked over there. The floor was wet but you didn't noticed so when your were about the grab the box you sliped, spilling the box of nails all over you and the floor.
"Tipical. You had to fall, didn't you? Pick that up. NOW!"

You picked up all the nails you could found and got up, walking towards Gally. Since he was with his back to you, you thought it was a good idea to elbow him to show you weren't afraid. When you did that Gally grabbed your arm so hard that you faced him. His eyes were fire and he was so pissed. You gathered all courage you thought you didn't have "listen Gally, I'm not afraid of you okay? And I'm not weak nor clumsy! You just have to go easy on me! It's my first day!" You pulled your arm letting go of his grip.

Gally pressed his lips together and left without saying anything.
The both of you worked without sharing words, only the essencial ones like "pass me the hammer" and "hold here."

Eventually the job was done and you boxed up the tools. Because it was too many, you had to help Gally take the boxes up to the shack.

* * *

Gally opened the door to the shack, with a little dificulty. Once inside you stored the pieces of wood while Gally was storing the tools in the shelf where he had to climb up a escalator.

Again no words were spoken between you two.

When you finished storing your turned to Gally in case he nedded help. You were about to speak up when Gally lost his balance, falling from the escalator and banging with is back on the door that swinged shut. You ran to help Gally but the tool box also fell from the stairs and you only had time to watch as a screw driver fell directly to Gally. You screamed covering your eyes with your hands. The next thing you heard was Gally's intense screams. You looked between your fingers and noticed that the screw was deep into Gally's leg, inches from the bone!

You crouched next to him as he scremed. "(Y/N) TAKE IT OFF, PLEASE!"
"I CAN'T GALLY! IF I DO THE BLOOD WILL SPILL EVERYWHERE AND IT WILL BE WORST! you ripped Gally's sleevee and pressed on the blood around the wound.
You squized on Gally's hand "I'm going to get help! Please don't take it off!" He just nodded while moaning.

You tried to open the door but it wouldn't move! You bang on it with your arms.
You got back Next to Gally. "The door won't open! I guess it go stuck when it closed!" You held Gally's hand while apllying pressure on the wound. You both just stood there for a couple of minutes. Gally was pale and you were truly worried about him.

He pulled you towards him whispering in your hear "(y/n) I...I'm sorry for the...for the way I treated"
You squized his hand. "Don't worry about it okay. They'll know we're in here and someone will help us.
You got up and walked towards the door. You punched it and kicked it as hard as you could. "SOMEONE HELP US! HELP! CHUCK! ALBY! NEWT! HELP!

All of the sudden a voice came from the other side of the door "(y/n)? What are you doing there?! We've been looking for you!"
You cried. "CHUCK?! Help us please! Go get help! Gally is here and he's badly hurt! Hurry!"
You got back next to Gally and you stood there until help came...

* * *

"See? All stitched up and ready to go!" You smiled gently at Gally that was lying on the bed.
"Thank you, (y/n). I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for you. I guess you're not as weak as I thought."
"And you're not as bas as I thought. You're just a shank sometimes"
You both laugh and you knew than that from now on everything will work great between you and Gally.

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