Chapter Three

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Coriolanus had made it home quick enough to shower, pull on a fresh pair of clothes, and examine himself in the mirror to make sure none of the horrid scratches could be seen. Their home at the Corso was usually buzzing with workers who were doing the renovations or filled with Tigris' fashionable friend group who were helping her create her first line of clothing. He had lucked out today as the place was empty, making it easier for him to get rid of his post sex hazy glow.

He had snatched up some pastries on his way out, made freshly by Mrs. Plinth, and headed on his way. Keeping up the calories he had consumed during his time as a peacekeeper was harder than he thought. It was less structured here, with it being easy to fall into his old ways of not eating enough. But nonetheless he managed to keep up his current shape. No longer looking like a scrawny, underfed boy, he had filled out and returned to look more like a man with a muscular frame, a strong posture, and a confident stride. It was something people noticed about him – the way he would walk into a room and almost command people's attention. They reveled in it and tried to soak up the air around him.

Dr. Gaul had requested he meet her at the Game Maker's floor of the Citadel on the other side of the city. Grateful to not be headed down to her lab of horrors, he made the trip with ease. Walking up to the front desk he was directed to take the elevator up to the sixth floor. They were much nicer to him now, the guards at the front flashing him a friendly hello and not asking any questions. No guns waved in his face this time. He'd like to think it was because he oozed authority, but he knew it was because he had become somewhat of a regular.

When he reached the sixth floor Dr. Gaul was already waiting for him, standing in the centre of a large white room. It was an entire floor made to look like two large circles within themselves. The outer layers were long, white desks with chairs behind them, where people would sit and work. The next ring inwards was another set of long tables, curving all the way around to connect to each side, leaving a wide opening in the middle, where a platform rested. Dr. Gaul was waiting for him in the centre, with a sickly smile on her face.

He couldn't help but be a bit wary around her ever since returning, but he forced his shoulders back and his chin up. They had reached somewhat of a treaty between the two once he got back. He promised to make no mention of Jabberjay's from District Twelve and Sejanus' execution, and she agreed to run interference on Dean Highbottom who was hell bent on dragging Coriolanus through the mud. He couldn't imagine seeing him much outside of the Academy now that he had graduated, but couldn't ignore the influence the man carried in the Capitol. But still, someone as crazy as Dr. Gaul was still unpredictable.

"Welcome back Mr. Snow. I decided it would be rather generous of me to give you a sneak peak of the Game Maker's room before our first class!" She said in a sing-song voice. She gestured around the platform with her arms, inviting him up to stand with her.

As he stepped onto the raised platform, screens of varying sizes began to light up all around, both on the two sets of tables and the main wall they faced. He was surprised with the advancement of the technology in the room. Even the most affluent in the Capitol lacked full sized screens like this. The televisions at the Academy were still the older models, with thick backings filled with wires. Brutally archaic. A reminder of what a setback the rebellion was for them.

"We've got quite the budget this year as you can see. The tenth games achieved our goal of reinvigorating the Capitol!" She let out a cackle that echoed in Coriolanus' ears. She was ecstatic that Dean Highbottom's views hadn't interfered and ended the games for good. As much as Dr. Gaul made him uncomfortable, Coriolanus was glad they had survived. He agreed deep down with her views on the games, although she did tend to take things a step too far, they were needed to keep the Capitol running and the Districts in line. It was us or them.

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