Chapter Two

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"Harder Coryo, harder!" Livia Cardew screeched, her nails digging into his back, something she was making an annoying habit out of. And calling him Coryo.

He hated having to stand in the steaming shower for an extra few minutes to try and get the marks to fade. He wasn't opposed to a little fling with a girl like Livia, hell he was having quite the time at the beginning. But her attractiveness was quickly fading as the pillow talk became almost insufferable. His summer away as a peacekeeper made him forget just how arrogant she could be.

He obliged, and fucked her harder, steadying himself on the wall so that her bed wouldn't squeak, not wanting to let her parents know how she was spending her free time. Of course, these days having rumoured to be spending alone time with Coriolanus Snow was more of an accomplishment than it was a detriment. His stint as a peacekeeper had given him some notoriety. He reached his other hand up into the space between them, dancing across her skin. Smooth and supple.

Upon his return, Dr. Gaul had framed it as an internship idea that he had approached her with, with the goal of blending in with the districts enough to learn more about their ways. Gain a better understanding, figure out their strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately use it against them in the games. She had made it sound like a luxury and a choice. Both of which they knew, it was not. It did however, earn him a coveted spot in her Game Making course at the University. It was just a lucky by-product that the ladies loved the buzzcut.

Strabo Plinth had offered him an interesting arrangement once he got back – he was missing a son, and Coriolanus was missing a father. Together, they'd make one big, blended family. He couldn't really say no. The Plinths moved into the unit below them at the Corso, gifting Coriolanus an unlimited allowance and war-chest. It really gave him the backing he needed to feel comfortable here again. Dr. Gaul was unpredicatble. Now he could go after what he really wanted without the worry of burning a bridge he might need to cross later. Now he could just pay to build his own. It really wasn't all that bad, they were in no way trying to replace the image of his mother and father, and they never would, but it was as much of a favor to them as it was him. They gave him the means, and in exchange he made them feel like they actually belonged in the Capitol.

Not having to keep his poverty a secret was quite liberating. He was able to make more time for things he wanted to do, as opposed to doing things out of sheer obligation. And some of that free time included rolling around the sheets with some of the Capitol bred girls he grew up with. They were just as excited as he was, to finally capture the attention of a Snow, especially after years of receiving no more than a friendly nod in passing. The girls flocked to him the first week of university, Oh Coriolanus! How did you ever manage to live amongst those savages? Oh Snow, you're so strong and handsome... Coriolanus, this, Coriolanus that. It was all rather amusing to him, to be at the centre of their worlds when they were no more than a blip in his. Something to pass the time until it no longer benefited him.

And Livia Cardew was just about reaching that point in time. Her looks could only get her so far, along with the reputation of her parents. But her incessant complaining and jabbering were starting to make his head hurt. Last time they had hung out, he wasn't able to have a single full thought without her interrupting him. Slopping her hands all over him and begging for even more attention. Seeing her, fucking her, had begun to feel like a chore.

But now here he was, trying to decide the right time to end things with her. He wanted it to be as amicable as possible. Who knows if he'd need her help in the future, with her parents running the largest bank and all. Maybe he'd need some funding for his future presidential candidacy. He decided right now wasn't the time for that – emotions were running high and it was the first day of classes, and he wanted to be at the top of his game. Getting dirty looks from her friends as they consoled her while she wailed over the heartbreak wasn't on his list of things to deal with today. He had to head home and get ready, and then meet Dr. Gaul before class to go over something.

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