Crabbe's eyes alight on whatever Borgin saw and Draco's blood freezes in his veins.

"Malfoy! Crabbe? What are you doing here?"

Corban Yaxley is to Borgin's left and before Draco can contemplate the exponential complications of a third person to deal with, Borgin chortles, "He fixed the vanishing cabinet! The mate is in the castle and they just used it to arrive here. It's brilliant!"

Bloody Borgin, Draco swears. The shopkeeper didn't know precisely what Draco had been doing all year. He might not have even known Draco had been doing this on the Dark Lord's command. But he'd had orders not to sell the cabinet and of course, he knew they were a pair. He'd certainly heard the Montague story at some point.

And like Borgin, Yaxley's no idiot. Yaxley does know Draco had a specific mission - one the Dark Lord wants completed as soon as possible - and while he may not have known what it was, this seems like a solid bet.

Before Draco's mind can scramble together a plan, Yaxley yanks up his sleeve. He says, "Well done, boy," as he presses his index finger directly into his Dark Mark.

The mark sears white hot in a wave from the top of the skull by the crook of Draco's elbow to the end of the snake's tongue near the bone of his wrist. An envious look flashes across Crabbe's meaty face as Draco's right hand grasps his forearm to stifle the burn.

Snape. The single word ricochets around his brain and his mouth says, "Need to tell Snape people will be coming."

Yaxley approves. Draco's dismissed with a quick nod and, trying to seem controlled and deliberate about it, he gestures for Crabbe to enter the cabinet again.

"Can I go with you, Yaxley?" Crabbe's tone is almost bashful and Draco's repulsed by how blatantly Crabbe wants to be part of the invading army.

Yaxley declines anyway. "I don't know what the plan is. I do know it would be ill-advised for me to do anything else without finding out first. Your father would have my head."

Draco, too, is curious about this. He's never been told what the Death Eaters plan to do inside the castle. He can make some educated guesses, though, and all of them involve him needing to reach Snape as soon as he can.

Crabbe doesn't argue with the older man, his superior in every way. He steps to the cabinet and closes the door behind him. Draco counts to five and opens it, revealing an empty cupboard. Borgin claps his hands together and Yaxley lets out a low whistle.

"Very impressive, boy. Go and alert Severus. We'll be seeing you soon."

* * *

There's no sense obliviating Crabbe now. No sooner has Draco stepped back out into the Come and Go Room, Crabbe's hightailing it for the exit to fetch Goyle.

Even if Draco could forestall that in some way that might make sense, it would delay him in his own task. He slings his neglected bag over his shoulder and takes off for Snape's quarters.

"You unbelievable fool," Snape spits when Draco's done explaining. "Can you not stay out of your own way? Go and tell her to stay in her tower; all of them - although I think the chances of her actually doing that are minimal at best."

"I'll - I'll stay with her. I'll make sure she does. It's my fault, I can't let -"

"You can't be seen with her openly and you know it."

"It's all over now." Draco pinches his temples with his fingers, struggling not to let the sense of despair overwhelm him. "The least I can do -"

"Your mother will suffer the consequences if you do not appear to assist this attack. You will go tell Miss Granger and you will return here, to me. At once. Go, now."

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