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𝙼𝚊𝚢 𝟷 𝟸:𝟻𝟽
𝚅𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚙𝚘𝚟

"hey mom im going out tp grab n go with my frineds" i say walking down stairs putting my shoes on

"okay, did you invite your brother?" my mom lauren says

"can i not??"i reply

"go invite him now." she says back i really dont want i just want it to my frineds

"mom please just this ONE time "i start to say "im not asking any other time this once so please dont tell him"

"..FINE." she says "this once but you guys really need to get along but fine i wont say anything"

"yea we will!" i say (we wont) i really meant "thank you mom" i say than leaveing

Griffen pov

"and finished!" i say finally finishing one of my drawings

"griffen dear!"i hear my mom yell

I run down stairs to notice that vance nor lauren are there

"hi sweetie could you please go to wallmart to get some food i would but lauren took the car to her work" my mom says

"uh mom wallmart is closed today" i reply i dont really know why it is i think something on the new or wtv

"oh! Than ... Go to grab n go i just need some eggs and milk and get youslef a snack" she says

"how far is the walk?" i ask

"take your bike and it should be 5-10 mins!"she talks to me as im getting my shoes on

"okay! Bye mama"i say

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙

"oh dear lord that was NOT 10 mintues" i think in my mind

I grab my water and start walking inside

"CMON HOW DID I LOOSE FUCKING PECIE OF SH-" i hear from the side me im not even gonna just a bunch of teenage boys
I go to the side to grab milk and side eye them just to see...vance and everyone else

Why did they not invite me? i knew it! They dont like me thwy never did

I start to get upset until..

"ahh griffen! The little winer" i hear

Its my old bully i thought he moved

"guess what! I moved back long time no see" he says"how it going? Still calling your mom MaMA Hm? Do i still need to get you bottle to dribk out of "

He would always do this one timw he broughr a diper and bottle to school and gave it to me in fronr of everyone they just laughed.

"very funny. Now please i wanna go home"

𝚅𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚙𝚘𝚟

"vance please you just SUCKK!!" robin says laughing with finney
"yea just like you suck finney di-"i start to say
"VANCE"robin says while finney is blushing and billy laughing

"guys." brices says but im to busy fighting with robin

"GUYS!" He yells again
"WHAT" me and robin say

"Is that Griffen?" He says

Oh great did my mom say someth-

Who's this prick?

"Or do I need to bottle again hm?" I hear him say

"Who tf is that?" Robin says

"I don't know." Billy says

"He definitely not a frined Griffen not very happy" finney says

𝙶𝚛𝚒𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚗 𝚙𝚘𝚟
"Please Alvin just stop I'm not in mood"

Than 2 more of he's frined come with snack in there hand GREAT

"omg! Griffen! No long time see baby" he frined says laughing

"CAN YOU GUYS STFU AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yell loud and look over to see finney and the rest of the group laughing

Alvin look at me mad
He than grab my shirt and trows me to the ground making me drop milk witch got ALL over me.

"Ohhh shit!!" He frineds laugh while I'm almost in tears

"You wanna say that again?" He says

"N-no I'm sorry" I say

He than goes for the punch but ..stops?

I look up to see Vance hold him off while Robin beats up the other 2 guys also Billy

"He dont wanna but I will " Vance than grab the guy and punches him while I wipe my tears standing up

Vance than gets up and looks at me
"You should go home and clean up" he says

"You did that for me?" I ask

"NO!" Vance's says while everyone says YES!

"I just like fighting people! Not everything is about you yk." He says witch kinda hurt

"Oh.sorry" I reply

"Vancee.." Bruce says

"Fine. Look I'm sorry I didn't mean it" he says to me

"Thank for beating him up to means a lot to me"I say

"COUGH COUGH " Robin says next to me and I laugh
"And you"

"Well, Vance I can tell that you don't want me hanging out with you guys so I'll go." I say walking away but than some of them look like they fell bad?

"Wait!"I hear Billy
"Why do you think that?" Finney ask

I look up to Vance because he know exactly why.

I smile and just look at them
"No reason!" I than walk out the store

I hear the door

DING I hear the door again?

I looked behind me to see everyone

"Cmon!" Bruce says

"Where going to the park come join "Billy says winking
I smile and look at Vance while he nods he's head

We all than go to the park and have a good time.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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