Moonbli-Human AU Part 2

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- Qibli

I couldn't get my mind off of her. No one has ever talked to me like that before. Usually people like that tick me off.

But it was kind of fascinating when she would talk to me like that. When I'm at school I'm used to every girl falling at my feet, ready to do whatever I want to get on my good side.

But her, no she shut me down. The first time I've ever been shut down. And now I find myself in a bit of a pickle.

Usually when I ask something for someone they want to do it, but now I feel if she asks me something I want to do it.

It's weird. I don't know how to feel about it. Maybe if I talk to her again I will figure it out.

So the moment I walk into health class I sit right beside her. She looks up and rolls her beautiful green eyes.

Wait beautiful? Where did that come from?

"What could you possibly want?" Moon asks exasperated. I grin cockily.

"To talk about our strategies. Like I told you last time." I explain. She rolls her eyes.

And I find myself grinning again. "Why do you keep grinning?" Moon asks. I shrug not wanting to answer the question.

"So, I say we take the approach of divorced parents. That way we don't have to constantly be around eachother and be able to have some separation. But mostly because then we can have equal time with the doll. 50 50." I suggest.

She seems slightly taken aback. "That's actually a really good idea." Moon comments. I nod.

"So we take shifts. We could go by week. Just switch off every week. Then maybe each Friday we can meet up and compare observations." I explain.

"Well, whatever one of us doesn't have the doll that week won't have any observations." she argues.

"Not true. Parenting doesn't stop once it starts. Even when you don't have the doll you still have to prepare for it. The doll is set up to cry at certain times. While it doesn't eat or poop, it will still cry if the dipers aren't changed or there is no attempt for it to be fed. So your week off will be filled with preparing for the next week. That will be your observations." I explain.

Moon falls silent.

"Why do you have other people do your work. You'd get better grades is you did it yourself." Moon mumbles.

"If I get someone stupid then I do the work. Or if I'm by myself. Moon I may look like I'm dumb, but I have held a 5.0 GPA since freshman year." I say.

"It'll be quite a shock when you turn out to be valedictorian." Moon mutters. I hum in amusement.

"So who gets first week?" I ask. Moon shakes her head. "I say we work together week one, just to get the hang of it before doing it alone." Moon suggests.

She's probably right.

"Alright, we will get through the day, then meet me at my house after school." I say. Moon groans.

"I'm not going to your house." she decides. I lean in close to her.

"Why not?" I ask. Instead of getting flustered like I expected, she just holds her ground and says. "I barely know you, and I don't like nor trust you."

It oddly stings when she says she doesn't like me.

"Fine I'll meet you at the park then." I say. She agrees.

I find I want her to like me. I feel desperate to get her to like me.

But she doesn't like me. And now I don't want to be me. I want to be whoever she likes.

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