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Our eyes are the first to connect, and I watch as Iris' face changes over the span of a few seconds. Many emotions pass over his features. Shock, Confusion, and...and hurt. I watch as his face falls, and he realizes everything.

That I had lied to him.

That I had left him behind.

That I didn't want him here.

He glances around to the other group members before looking at the ground.

"Ruth I...I'm glad that you're alright. I was worried..." Iris seems to struggle for words. The way he says them makes my chest ache. He's genuinely relieved to see that I am okay, despite what I have done.

In a second, Ashlyn is in front of him, barely giving him room to breathe. Jenny is right at her side, holding her sleeve.

"Who are you? How do you know her?" Ashlyn points to me at the second question, her tone hostile when she was only neutral with her first question.

Iris' eyes narrow by a fraction. "Hello, my name is Iris. Ruth and I are friends." He is short in his responses, his introduction having a strange and unfamiliar coldness. It isn't how it felt when he introduced himself to me at all. His answer to the second question however is closer to how he would normally speak.

I didn't know he considered me a friend. Was I really that important?

Unrelenting, Ashlyn continues, sounding neutral again. Her words are anything but that.

"Ruth never mentioned anything about you. Guess you're not all that important to her huh? Or two are a little more than friends? Did you two fuck when you were staying together in paradise ignoring us?"

Iris' eyes grow wide, then narrow again. He seems mad, but doesn't have the chance to say anything before I'm up and over to where they stand, between Iris and Ashlyn. The only person who isn't up now is Shiloh, who watches the scene with his mouth dropped at the chaos.

"I kept him out of my explanation because I didn't think I would see him again, that is it. Iris saved me from the monster that chased me out of the store. I had no other choice but to stay with him for a few days because I couldn't get back to you guys." I try to keep my explanation as short as possible because I know that she's not going to listen to much of what I say. She proves me right at her next interjection.

"You really expect me to believe you when you lied straight to our faces earlier? For all we know you could've been waiting for us to die in your little love shack."

"That's not true. I did the best I could to get back." I grit out, trying to keep my anger in check. She doesn't even know what she's talking about.

"I think I know what's true, and the shit spewing out of your mouth isn't." At that comment, Jenny pulls on Ashlyn's arm, trying to get her attention.

"Ashlyn stop it. I'm sure she had a reason for-" Jenny is cut off.

"A reason for lying to us? Do you really think we should just let that go?" Jenny flinches back at the scolding tone of her words.

"Yes I think you should." Iris steps around from behind me and in front of me, looking down at Ashlyn without any emotion whatsoever. "If you think long and hard about it, I'm sure you'll find that you've done something before that was much, much worse than lying, right?" His words are sweet. A sickening sweet that is completely artificial. He draws out some words for a long, slow effect.

I manage to catch a glimpse of Ashlyn over Iris' shoulder. Her eyes are wide and dilated, and her mouth is parted slightly.

She looks terrified.

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