Chapter 5

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When the sun came up, Hon slowly opened his eyes and got really surprised. Right in front of him was Xuan's chilled face, his eyes half-opened looking directly into his, so close it felt very awkward. Hon's left arm was circling Xuan's shoulders.

Xuan said „Good morning." and smiled. Hon panicked and quickly stood up, lifting his arm. He coughed and turned around to face the door.

While Xuan stayed sitting on the chair watching Hon's every step, Hon stood up and without a single word by none of them he speed-walked to the kitchen, closed the door behind him and sat behind the table.

He stood up again right after and walked to the stove. He totally forgot about the food since he wasn't hungry, but there was another person who needed to eat. Who knows when he woke up, hungry and all, but wasn't able to do anything because of his arm that rested over him.

He tried to look for some food and stuff for cooking and eventually he found a drawer with pots, pans, chopsticks, plates and some other cutlery. He took some stuff out, closing the drawer with his hip. When he turned around, he was facing Xuan again. Hon took a step back, nearly dropping all the equipment in his hand.

Xuan was standing very close to Hon, holding some fruits and vegetable, smiling. „I found this. Let's cook something." He said and together with Hon they put all the stuff and food on the table.

„I- I have no idea how to cook." Hon said after calming down a little and after a while of looking through everything he remembered that he really didn't know how to cook. He didn't even know what some things in front of him were. What was he even planning to do if Xuan didn't show up? He could've poisoned him! Was it even possible if he just threw what he'd found on the table on the plate?

„Don't worry, I'll cook. You just sit down there." Xuan took some stuff he needed and walked over to the stove. Hon sat down. He was following Xuan with his eyes, supporiting his head with his hand, and after a while of silence he said: „Let's talk."

Xuan threw something into the pot in front of him. He didn't stop cooking and replied: „About what?"

„I-I don't know. About anything I guess. I just need to fix my speech if I want to return to the demon realm."

„Is there something wrong with your speech?"

Xuan didn't notice at all, but when Rika reminded Hon of it, it was something only those who knew him before could notice. His speech was always so clean and nearly as beautiful as that of an angel, his voice always soft and gentle. It was still soft and gentle but in a way that was unnatural for him. He sometimes even managed to trip over his words now or messed up the word order, which angered him a lot.

„You know there is."

„Well, I don't mind it. Everyone has their own ways of..." He couldn't finish his thought because Hon cut him off:

„But others mind. Especially when I'm the- When I'm the demon king."

Xuan just nodded and added something to the pot.

„Also we're... f-friends, aren't we? That's apparently what friends do." Hon added and Xuan laughed.

„What is your favourite colour?" Hon asked when he realised Xuan wasn't taking it seriously.

„Are we going to ask questions?"

„No, I am going to ask and you'll reply. This way I can t-talk more and I'll also get to know you. We'll do this every day, alright?"

„Two flies in one hit, I see. Alright, but then you will ell me something from your life. You talk more and I will also get to know you better."

„It's a deal then. And now- What is your fav- favourite colour?" Hon insisted.

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